Groping In The Dark
We have one ultimate goal when we come into this existence and that is spiritual growth. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? So, how come most of us seem to be just groping in the dark much of the time? Is it because we are continually being told that we must have a life purpose or soul desire? One hears ridiculous statements like “that never was supposed to happen” or even worse “he died before his time.” Who decided these things for us?
A friend of mine just shared a situation with me trying to find the meaning behind it all. She and her husband owned a farm selling, raising and growing all manner of organic foods, fully believing this was a calling they were meant to pursue. All was going well, the animals were active and healthy, the crops were coming up abundantly and success certainly appeared to be theirs. This went on for about two years and then everything slowly began to disintegrate. The animals began to have major health issues, the crops were not producing as they should and they were in total jeopardy of losing all that they had aspired to achieve. Continue reading
And This Too Shall Pass
It’s been ten weeks since I looked down the 30 meter drop to see the remains of our car, with my husband groaning inside. A neighbor and I arrived at the scene the same time as the local police. They had spotted the car whilst doing their routine rounds. I, on the other hand, had asked a neighbor to take me out to search for my husband.
My husband’s brief outing to a nearby store had become a four hour and seventeen minute nightmare. Our neighbor, James, today describes those moments as “surreal.” Words which have helped me through much less traumatic times came strongly to mind that day as I gazed down, unable to access my husband. It was as if spirit was whispering them into my thoughts once again: “and this too shall pass”. I have often used this mantra when experiencing depression or a setback in my life. I am fortunate to never have experienced the deeper pit of depression that so many souls struggle with in our times. Continue reading
The True Nature Of Forgiveness
What I have received from Spirit and my mentors about the nature of forgiveness is that it is first of all not about allowing bad behavior in others to continue. This is the most important thing to remember when we are ready to venture into our inner forgiveness journey.
If someone is continually wounding us through their actions or words, it is important to understand that the most loving thing we can do for ourselves and for the other person is to let them go. This may be a scary thing for some people, but to really release our pain we must release the source of the pain. Some situations are reconcilable through an honest reflection of the situation by both parties. However if this is not working, then lovingly releasing that person from your life will not only keep you from being hurt, it will allow you to open up space for relationships that bring value to your human journey. Continue reading
Be Brave My Fellow Indigo
A zealous pastor once pointed at me in front of a congregation of churchgoers and said, “You, young man, will someday go into the darkest of places and bring many souls to the Light.” At the time I did not realize that I would first have to drag myself through a dark night of the soul, before his prophecy would finally become manifest and I would be of any real use to anyone else.
As ethereal and cool as his words may have sounded at the time, the actual journey itself was certainly not a glamorous affair! Yet, I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones.
I have been asked why my first book, Divine Living, was dedicated to “those Indigo Souls of my generation who may have lost their way.” As a formerly lost, unconscious Lightworker, and one of the seemingly misplaced New Children, it was simply my hope that my experiences might inspire others of my kind. It was my humble attempt at helping to prevent the tragedy of more of us being unnecessarily lost to humanity and our true life purpose. Continue reading
The Nature Of Spirit
When getting a reading you may hear a psychic use the term “Spirit” during the reading. But what is Spirit? Spirit is another way of saying “God” or “the Divine.”
In my personal experience Spirit is the in-dwelling essence from which all things come. Spirit is the life force that dwells within us and in all living things, and represents each individual’s highest path and potential.
So how do we connect with “Spirit”? The concept or idea of Spirit is found within many spiritual traditions. It is the reason why individuals to this day practice specific religions in hopes that they too can align themselves with the higher power or Spirit. Continue reading
Substance Abuse Invites Evil Influences
Someone close to me has been fighting their demons for years. In my opinion such demons would relate to negative energy, or entities influencing a person who has opened themselves up, and become vulnerable to them because of substance abuse and addiction. This person’s crazy behavior has been progressive, part of which was aggression, anger and hate thoughts towards just about anybody.
Their background was dysfunctional, but not to the extent that it should change them from a relatively contented individual into a pressure cooker waiting to explode. I am now of the opinion this person was vulnerable to these lower energies because of alcohol abuse over several years. Continue reading