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Death Shall Never Part Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou will hear people say, “I love you to death.” Or “until death do us part.” Or better yet, “I will love you until the day I die.” I have never been able to wrap my mind around this. Does the love you have for a special person in your life become non-existent after you die? Once we are dead it is over? Nothingness?

No, this I do not believe, because I know there is life after death. I have my own proof. My experiences with loved ones that have crossed over have shown me this. They have come back to very much look me square in the face and say, “I still love you.” There is life after death. Continue reading

Love And Faith Connects Us In The Afterlife

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy sister-in-law passed away several years ago from cancer. I was not very close with her, but will always remember her fondly and have respect for her – who she was, and how she lived her life. I always enjoyed the time that we spent together during family events and the holidays. Recently a special dream reunited us, bringing with it meaningful spiritual insight.

I always felt there was this feeling of anxiousness, worry and tension around her. There was this feeling of her not being entirely content and happy. She did a good job hiding these negative feelings, but I could see it and feel it when I was around her.

My husband would often share with me the latest, and often times not so greatest news of what is going on with everyone after speaking with his Mother. I knew from this to pray for his sister, as she was not having the best of times with her husband. They had many arguments and disagreements. I always included her in my prayers, especially after I would see her during the holidays, and any other time. Continue reading

Exploring Reincarnation And Past Lives

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAnyone who has studied physics knows that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. We, our souls, are no different. The life we are living is just one in a series of many. As the universe is infinite and exists on multiple dimensions, so do we. This is the concept of reincarnation, or literally, a soul being born into a different body.

Many of us have heard stories of people, especially young children, who recount details of past lives which seem impossible for them to have learned in the present day. This experience is universal, across cultures and ethnicity.

When we experience a strong sense of déjà vu, or having seen something before, chances are, we are remembering experiences from our past. We may also bear markings, such as scars or birthmarks, in the same positions as before. In some cases, we may even remember a language that we never learned in this life! Continue reading

Moldavite: A Connection To Higher Realms

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI love my crystals. I have many of them. I recently acquired one that I have been wanting for a very long time: Moldavite. I have heard many wonderful things about this crystal and so I just had to try it.

The only thing I didn’t like about shopping for this new crystal was the cost. I went to a rock, gem and mineral show in my area recently and they had Moldavite for sale, but wanted the price of the Moon for it. After lots of meditation and prayer I received a vision during my quiet time and I knew exactly where to go: a metaphysical shop not too far from my home. There I found 6 grams worth of Moldavite for only $65! I feel I got a really good deal, considering most sellers were charging a lot more. Continue reading

A Life Lesson From My Favorite Angel

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I found out that my favorite angel is suffering from cancer and was given six months to live. Of course I was devastated and my heart was broken. This dear, angelic friend just happens to have four legs, a sable and white coat… and one blue eye. In her physical form she’s a Shetland Sheepdog, more commonly knows as a “Sheltie”, but she is also one of the most powerful healing energies I’ve had the privilege to encounter in this life.

As an animal lover I’ve always known pets are special and they come into our lives for various reasons. Dogs especially are founts of unconditional love and they give us an opportunity to be guardians of the highest caliber. They are teachers as well as companions, soothing our spirits, lifting our emotions and many times teaching us patience and leadership. They are quite simply extraordinary beings. Continue reading

The Longing To Connect To Source

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comStress, whether it manifests as physical, emotional or spiritual, is a major factor in the depletion of our energy, resulting in us going out of balance. Meditation is a tried and trusted way of dealing with stress, raising energy and bringing balance. It is also favorable in achieving some other wonderful outcomes, including the direct experience of our connection to the unified field of intelligence, or “the void.”

The past two weeks have been considerably hectic for me, and I’ve missed my daily meditation. Meditation is instrumental in helping me feel aligned in body, mind and spirit for the kind of work I do, not to mention, assisting in dealing with the current chaos in my life! Continue reading

The Powerful Properties Of Lavender And Sea Salt

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf you’re looking for natural, organic ingredients to purify, cleanse and detoxify yourself and your space, there’s no better choice than lavender and sea salt – two ingredients that are relatively inexpensive and easily found. You can even make potpourri or enjoy a relaxing bath with homemade salts without breaking the bank.

Depending on your preference, and its intended use, you may wish to obtain your lavender in crushed or essential oil form. Either can be found at an esoteric or herbal shop. In crushed (flower) form, lavender is well-known for its aromatic quality and can be mixed with another floral scent if preferred. Lavender is also famous for its autoimmune properties and ability to stimulate mental clarity, including psychic ability. Continue reading

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