Love & Relationships
I’m A Perfect Five On A Scale Of One To Ten
I’m a perfect ‘five’ on a scale of one to ten… and I love it! When we learn to be a five, we’re relishing the right to be okay, yet not to have to be a perfect ten. We would all like to be absolutely perfect. Yet, no one is. We would like our heroes, our crushes, our partners to be ‘the one’ by fulfilling all our needs, but we forget that in order for that to be, we too have to be a perfect ‘ten.’ Still, and perhaps, sadly, no one is.
The worst part is, when our beloved tries to change, we often doubt them. We wonder why he said this, or why he didn’t do that, because he always did before! We shouldn’t ask for changes if we don’t really want them. Changes hurt, just as pulling the splinter out sometimes hurts. It causes us to bleed, but in order to heal, the splinter has to come out. Continue reading
Is There Such A Thing As Destiny?
During a recent visit to my dentist, Daniella, I managed to ask her a couple of questions about her background. For obvious reasons one rarely gets a chance to say much to one’s dentist!
Daniella is a very professional, natural young woman, and I asked her how she ended up studying dentistry in Spain, as I knew she’d spent her early years in England. Her father is Spanish and her mom is English, and this prompted me to ask how her mom and dad met.
I must admit, the first thing that would come to most people’s minds is that Daniella’s mom might have fallen in love with a young, dark and handsome young Spaniard, whilst holidaying in Spain in the Seventies. It wasn’t like that at all. Continue reading
Gracious Silence Protects You From A Lack Of Grace
God gives us moments in life where we are called to rise up, and be and do certain things we would otherwise not do spontaneously or willingly. Yet, we go and do out of obligation, to avoid negative repercussions, negative feedback from family, or just all around negative domino effects in some way, shape or form.
My fellow intuitive will know what I’m talking about here. It’s that feeling that comes to us to warn us, to tap us on the shoulder to say something like, “Hey, be careful, your going to need to set up a psychic shield. Negative energy is afoot!” It’s that inner knowing. Continue reading
Understanding How Men Fall In Love
What makes a man fall completely in love with you? Head-over-heels in love? Well, a man will fall in love when you give the signals that you are really looking for and ready for lasting love.
Maybe it’s the timing, or certain qualities he is looking for, but I feel that it is mostly about chemistry and connection. The way that you look into his eyes, and the way you listen to him as if he were the only one in the world, the way you make him feel, and the feel of you in his arms.
Some men go for personality, and some like the intellectual side of you, the way that you smell, and the feeling that he can’t live without you, and that you are a part of him. Continue reading
Talking To Your Unborn Child
A decade ago, I congratulated a client on her pregnancy. She was a soon-to-be single mom. Lucy was battling her own demons, and insecurity after fighting the battle with alcohol and drugs, and had fallen head over heels for Justin during a recent stint in rehab. Naturally, she was devastated when the man she loved did not show the slightest interest in ever being a part of their son’s life.
Lucy was a beautiful, and exceptionally talented young woman, but had no idea how special she was. She was a slip of a thing and seemed so vulnerable. She only had a couple of friends, since so many others, as well as family, had given her the cold shoulder because of her substance abuse. Like myself, she’d had many slips by falling off the wagon, but I believe that to this day, she is winning the battle. Continue reading
Soulmates, Soul Groups And Soul Contracts
I find that many people in the spiritual and metaphysical communities are looking for their ‘soulmate.’ So what is a soulmate? What does this term mean to you?
A soulmate is often defined as the individual that we can completely resonate with, that we can truly love and that they truly love us back unconditionally. In reality, however, due to our humanness, this may not always be possible and then we may become obsessed with the search for a soulmate. In that search sadly we often miss truly wondrous opportunities to connect with love in the most unusual or unexpected places. Continue reading