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Guilt As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA recent traumatic incident with my cat had me really thinking about how each upsetting experience in life really helps me to identify all the more with my psychic reading clients. People often consult professional psychics when they are going through an intense emotion, just like the one I have personally experienced recently as one of my spiritual life lessons.

The unfortunate incident with my cat occurred just a couple of weeks ago. After nine years of sticking to a routine of treating first dogs, and then cats, with an anti-tick solution, I did the unthinkable, and treated my young cat Prince first. Without thinking, I applied to his skin a larger vial than usual, suitable for a medium weight dog. Within minutes Prince was angry and in discomfort, and  then I realized what I’d done! Continue reading

Using Stones To Heal – The A’s (Part 2)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comApache Tears

These stones are said to bring good luck to those possessing them. They also block negativity and negative energy. Black obsidian is a powerful meditation stone. Apache tears brings any dysfunctions, sadness, depression and anger to the surface. It brings up anything blocking you and helps you remove those blocks to help create the life you want. It is the stone of the subconscious and it dissolves suppressed negative patterns and purifies them. This stone brings to light that which is hidden from the conscious mind. If you feel you are being used or abused, or someone has power over you, this is a great stone to wear when around that person. It will help block their negative hold on you, and empower you. Continue reading

Don’t Blame The Children

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe are repeatedly hearing lately that the children of today no longer play outside; they are no longer physically active, like their parents and grandparents used to be. Supposedly all they do is watch television and sit around all day with computers, tablets and smart phones.

Perhaps some of this is true. But if so, why is that? Of course, it is absolutely natural for a child to have an abundance of energy. It is in the nature of youngsters to run around and be full of life, exuberant and active. But truth be told, when children act that way in today’s world, we often imply that they are maladjusted or have an ailment or disorder. Highly active kids have become the scourge of many parents and teachers in modern society – the dreaded “hyperactive syndrome” or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Are the children truly to be blamed? Continue reading

In Our Own Time

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe come in to this existence, and later depart, according to our own timeline. My husband and I recently observed the one year anniversary of our daughter Kathy’s passing. As painful as her death continues to be for us, it is none the less something we have no choice but to deal with.

Kathy was a private and reclusive person and did not have a lot of really close friends. However, the ones she did have were especially precious to her and she nourished and valued those friendships. I had a phone call recently from one of her friends, who is still struggling with Kathy’s passing. She and Kathy were definitely kindred spirits and they turned to each other frequently when times got especially trying. Continue reading

Using Stones To Heal – The A’s (Part 1)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAbalone

Although abalone is not a crystal, abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings. Abalone used as a bowl for sage and clearing can help to intensify the release of negative energy in a house or office. Abalone can calm emotions and bring a “watery” serene feeling to one’s energy or to a situation. Abalone brings the element and energy of the sea into any home it is displayed in. Water is healing, cleansing, mystical and sharpens intuition. Wearing abalone can help with developing psychic visions and intuition. Wearing abalone will also bring a sense of peace and calm to the person wearing it.


This stone represents prosperity – not just financial prosperity, but also emotional, career and family life prosperity. Hang this stone over a door in your home or office to bring in new business. It is wonderful for entrepreneurs and people working in sales. This stone is important to have when starting a new business, job or financial venture. If you are going to ask for a raise, this stone will be great for meditation. This stone can help to release negative energy and is great for anyone in the arts as it facilitates creative expression. Continue reading

The Vital Energy Of The Sun

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the northern hemisphere September 23rd marked the Autumn Equinox and the start of fall. In these days we traditionally celebrate harvests and the bounty of summer, and enjoy the last warm days before winter. But what to do about the increasing lack of sunlight?

In our psychic lives, we need the energy of the sun as much as we need water, air, or ground under our feet. Sunlight represents the fourth essential spiritual element of fire. If we don’t have enough of it, we can easily become depressed and lose touch with our psychic self.

So how can we incorporate the sun in our daily lives, even if we can’t afford a winter home in Hawaii? The most obvious answer is to make time to get natural sunlight. Sorry, but that artificial sunlamp in your office doesn’t count! Of course, if we’re able to, it is nice to take that winter vacation to a sunnier climate, but if not, a walk outside each day can prove extremely beneficial. Continue reading

Using Stones To Heal – Agates

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCrystals and gemstones have been used by almost every culture for healing and mystical purposes. They amplify the user’s vibration and bring to the healing practice their own energy and symbolism.

I used to live by a beach that was covered in agates. I collected them and revered them, somehow instinctively connecting to their magic at an early age. Years later I began using a large variety of agates in my healing practice.

Black or Banded Agate. This agate helps to center the first chakra. It is a great stone for combating anxiety and to ground the physical body. Use this stone for self control, physical energy, grounding, and resilience. Continue reading

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