My Energy Battle With The Invisible Woman
I went through something very confusing and traumatic many years ago. While in the middle of it, I realized that it was forcing me to learn about spiritual darkness. A topic I had refused to acknowledge or think about, since I chose to see the best in people. Since going through this dark period, I have had hundreds of clients come to me who have gone through the exact same thing and I am now equipped to help them both psychically and practically.
It all began when I took over a business along with all of its employees. The then manager was named Carol. I remember when I first shook her hand I felt a wave of nausea. I since have come to recognize this as the psychic acknowledgment of darkness present in someone. Continue reading
How To Set Intentions For Crystal Energy Work
In my previous blogs I have discussed how to clear the energy from minerals and crystals, and also how to activate the matrix energy that exists within minerals and crystals. Now it’s time to discuss practical use.
Crystal energy is subtle energy, and aligns itself with your intentions. The best way to use crystals in your everyday life is to set an intention for the specific crystal you are using.
Setting intention when you are working with crystals is the most important step in using your crystals. Crystals can certainly aid us in discovery and assist us in bringing about change, but the reality is that if we remain unwilling to change in certain areas of our lives the crystals themselves will have little effect.
Here are three great ways to set your intention: Continue reading
Oranges Are Adventurous Souls
Orange soul colors are one of the most notably vibrant. They are exceptional survivors who frequently have huge emotional issues happening in their lives – not just for themselves, but also for close family members.
At the same time, “oranges” are one of the most daring soul colors in existence. They are adventurous spirits who won’t just go on a safari, but will try to get so close to a wild animal that they could count its teeth.
Oranges love to take risks. They can change course abruptly and love to dive into something they may think is important at the moment. They can at times be challenging to live with, as they like to be on the move and do not care for a quiet, normal existence. Oranges are not fond of doing any deep thinking and believe life is to be lived to the fullest. Continue reading
Finding Your Ideal Psychic Reader
As with any other professional, choosing the right psychic reader for you can be a tricky process. Just like you wouldn’t want your dentist or auto mechanic to be the wrong fit, neither should your chosen psychic!
The best approach to take is to trust your instincts. Know what you are looking for in your reader. Do you want answers to specific questions? Are you trying to commune with the spirit of a loved one? Hoping to learn more about yourself? These are all important questions, as no two readers are alike, and the more tailored your search for a psychic, the more likely you are to find the best match.
Don’t be afraid to “interview” potential readers. The good ones are professionals and will not be offended, as long as you approach them in a diplomatic, respectful manner. Maybe you won’t like the first person you contact, but if you keep at it, chances are you will find the right one. It’s a lot like dating! Continue reading
Three Crystal Cleansing Methods
Crystals hold energy, so when you first get a crystal it is best to cleanse them before use. This does not mean that the vibrational energy within the crystal is not valuable without cleansing, but I have found that cleansing my crystals regularly brings out the best quality of experience in crystal therapy.
Below are three methods of cleansing crystals. There are several different methods for cleansing, these are just three common methods and by no means a complete list of cleansing routines. It is best to find the method that works most effectively for you.
One thing to remember about crystals is they respond to intention. They can certainly aid us in discovery and assist us in bringing about change, but the reality is that if we remain unwilling to change in certain areas of our lives the crystals themselves will have little effect. It is important with all healing practices that you take a holistic approach, and adopt methods that assist you in many ways. Crystal energy is often subtle, but when someone aligns his or her intention to it through action it can create wonderful results. Continue reading
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