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Recognizing The Color Of Your Door

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSince I was a very young child, I always believed I would become a teacher and held on to that belief until I was somewhere in my late 20s. It came as a complete surprise to me to discover that this was not where my life purpose was heading. It is so easy to see where misinterpretations occur as one tends to look back.

Teachers commonly resonate with the color brown. They are usually, calm, dedicated, certainly prepared for the unexpected, as this is sure to happen occasionally when dealing with children of any age.

Teachers and instructors are most often also the ones who will donate extra time and energy to outside causes and have a general concern for what is happening in their environment. Good teachers usually volunteer to assist with extracurricular activities and do not anticipate a payback relating to their time and energy. Continue reading

Traits Of Your Pisces Child

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA child born February 19th to March 20th is a Pisces. They are daydreamers. This helps them become the actors, writers, poets and innovators of the world. It is good to help your child balance this by helping them to stay in reality and remain grounded.

Pisces children are extremely intuitive, often psychic. Teach your Piscean to trust their intuition, but also to filter what they tell others. Not all visions should be shared.

They also tend to be empaths. Like most empaths, they may feel tired, sad or overwhelmed and may not know why. They may have been picking up others emotions. Teaching coping methods for these times is essential. We don’t want our Pisces children not to be empathic, as that is all of our natural state, but we don’t want them to be energy sponges, carrying around other people’s trauma. For this reason, they should be watched for depression and encouraged to talk about their feelings frequently, and in great detail. Continue reading

Living In The Past – A Message From My Guides

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people inadvertently choose to live in the past. Usually their past is seen as a much simpler, happier time, with fewer challenges.

Some people had an idyllic childhood and they often wish they could return to that time of playful bliss, loving parents, guiding teachers and wonderful friends. But for others, the past is a horror-strewn path of destructive behavior, with insurmountable adult problems thrust upon them at a tender age. For them the past was a time of much emotional distance or cruelty at home. These memories are indelibly imprinted on the souls of the survivors, but with a much different feeling to be sure.

Although many can put their painful past in perspective, some relive those experiences day after day, harboring hatred and resentment. Continue reading

The Healing Of Corey

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn order to sort out the peculiarities of an odd situation that I am trying to decipher here, allow me to give you some background on the person this involves in order that you may draw your own conclusion as to what actually did transpire. And if it appears to you that this might seem just some idle ramblings of mine, I trust at the end of this narration you will be able to connect the dots for yourself, and arrive at a viable conclusion.

There is a young man I know by the name of Corey, who was born in a small town to impoverished parents. He was the youngest of a brood of eleven children. Even though Corey had a baby sister, it became immediately apparent after his birth that he would become the apple of his father’s eye. Continue reading

We Are Not All Raised The Same Way

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen dealing with those who don’t show kindness, or people who are not civil towards others, it’s important to remember that everyone is not raised the same way.

I speak to several clients every day. Being an empathic, intuitive person, I can tell when someone has not been told that they are loved. Some folks never enjoyed special family time growing up, and some never even connected with at least one parent. It is really sad.

This is when I give self-care advice, which my clients love. The great feedback I get from my clients about this is that self-care empowers them to become less critical and judgmental of themselves and others. They just feel more free to be themselves, and allow others to be who they are. They learn to accept those who see things differently from themselves. Continue reading

Maintaining The Connection

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe may not always know or understand why we have connections with particular people, and even after they have passed it still seems vital that we keep those connections in place. Also, how we stay in touch may not be the same for each of us, it just is important that we do.

Many years ago, I had a lovely older friend named Pat, who came from a very affluent, upscale family and was certainly refined in every manner. It was noticeable in the way she dressed and spoke. Her whole demeanor exuded the firm self-confidence of someone who has been used to having the finer things in life.

Somewhere along the road, Pat fell in love with and married a rough-and-tough, stevedore-type fellow named Bill. By all appearances they certainly did not seem like a compatible couple, however, they stayed happily married, produced three offspring and had over 30 happy years together. Continue reading

Restlessness Is A Spiritual Growth Opportunity

Click Here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was a teenager, one of my more ‘vocal’ cousins said to me, “You don’t seem to stay in one place for very long… just five minutes and, poof, you’re off again!”

At that time of my life I could put this down to my musician father’s wanderlust. He was a Sagittarius, and we not only often moved towns and countries, but frequently continents too. Such an unsettling way of life is usually not ideal for a Cancer like myself, but I seem to have inherited my father’s restless genes.

Today, my husband and I are in a tranquil setting since our international relocation over two years ago from a more volatile environment. Still, the restlessness persists. My menagerie of pets – five dogs and three cats – at least keep me relatively at peace.

I do know that actions provoked by restlessness can involve inevitable stresses, as was the case with our most recent big move. Unlike the days when I was still doing things solo, or when I was still living with my parents, this time I had the many pets to consider. Their well-being moving from one continent to another was one of the biggest stresses I have ever experienced. Continue reading

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