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Exploring Reincarnation And Past Lives

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAnyone who has studied physics knows that energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. We, our souls, are no different. The life we are living is just one in a series of many. As the universe is infinite and exists on multiple dimensions, so do we. This is the concept of reincarnation, or literally, a soul being born into a different body.

Many of us have heard stories of people, especially young children, who recount details of past lives which seem impossible for them to have learned in the present day. This experience is universal, across cultures and ethnicity.

When we experience a strong sense of déjà vu, or having seen something before, chances are, we are remembering experiences from our past. We may also bear markings, such as scars or birthmarks, in the same positions as before. In some cases, we may even remember a language that we never learned in this life! Continue reading

Your Child Deserves To Be Creative

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPart of spiritual parenting is understanding your child’s generation. This is not “The Wonder Years”. The harsh reality is that even if you are protecting your child’s innocence, chances are their friend’s parents aren’t. These days we do need to ask the parents of our child’s friend if there is unsupervised time on the computer, and is there potential access to pornography, or even guns in the home. We need to go online and see if there are any predators in that home, or in the neighborhood. We need to know that there aren’t any drugs or alcohol in the home.

I have been working with children for 30 years and times have certainly changed. Today’s generation of parents cannot afford to be distracted, detached and oblivious. Modern parents text and talk on the phone more than they look at or communicate with their own children. I often hear people talk about how this generation of children seem tuned out, detached and lack imagination and creativity, but how can we ask them to tune in when their parents are not? They learn their coping and survival skills from us. If we tune out, so will they. Continue reading

A Life Lesson From My Favorite Angel

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I found out that my favorite angel is suffering from cancer and was given six months to live. Of course I was devastated and my heart was broken. This dear, angelic friend just happens to have four legs, a sable and white coat… and one blue eye. In her physical form she’s a Shetland Sheepdog, more commonly knows as a “Sheltie”, but she is also one of the most powerful healing energies I’ve had the privilege to encounter in this life.

As an animal lover I’ve always known pets are special and they come into our lives for various reasons. Dogs especially are founts of unconditional love and they give us an opportunity to be guardians of the highest caliber. They are teachers as well as companions, soothing our spirits, lifting our emotions and many times teaching us patience and leadership. They are quite simply extraordinary beings. Continue reading

Say Good Morning To The World

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYesterday was a real hard one for me; too many things going wrong: kids not observing rules, friends who just needed a few minutes to talk, family calling with one problem or another, and then being notified to fill in at work at the last minute.

Good morning to the World.

There I went, off to the craziness of another day in the old rat race of work, and family chaos.

But this morning I took a different approach, by returning to my usual daily routine. Seeing the Sun rising high in the East, I went outside to sit on the bench with my second cup of espresso. To charge up my energy I started singing O’ Sole Mio in a clear, strong voice. This is the best way to welcome the blessings of another day – before everyone else wakes up. Continue reading

A Message Of Hope From Hel’s Pond

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA yellow butterfly guided me to Blanke Helle, or “Hel’s Pond” during a recent visit to Berlin, Germany. It darted ahead of me all the way from the bus stop in AlboinStraße, until I reached the entrance to the park where lies forgotten, and hidden from public notice, the ancient pagan site sacred to Hela, or Hel, the Norse-Germanic goddess of death and the underworld.

I have been guided by butterflies on a regular basis over the past two years, since the first one appeared to me at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece. I was much encouraged by the sudden presence of this golden, magical creature, because it predicted that my visit to this sacred pagan site would be less somber than I had imagined. Yellow butterflies represent rebirth, new life, transformation and resurrection in several cultures. The Irish believe yellow butterflies to be an indicator of the peaceful transition of departed souls. And in Christian tradition yellow butterflies are symbolic of the Christ’s resurrection from death. They are also regarded as a sign of the presence of angels. Would Hel’s dark waters ultimately leave me with a message of hope? Continue reading

Soul Groups And Pre-Existence Agreements

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that we belong to soul groups, that we choose to participate in this particular existence in a certain way based on a soul agreement. It is quite similar to auditioning for a play. We can choose to be in a comedy, drama, horror or even a combination of all of the above. We can also choose to take on the leading role, or just be a supporting cast member, or perhaps a cameo or extra taking a background position.

Which position are we willing to take on? This in itself can be a great challenge, as well as a profound learning experience. Many times if we have chosen a role that caused grief or harm we will regroup at a later date to try and resolve latent issues. If we are successful it is wonderful, because we can then pursue a totally different role or existence or go on to something completely different. Continue reading

My Daughter’s New Life Beyond This One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently our 48 year old daughter passed away*. Those of you who have experienced the death of a child will understand the depth of the grief and sorrow that parents are left with. All we can hope for now is that the sense of loss will eventually not be so deep and profound.

The physical cause of her death was the effects of her cancer treatments, however, the soul cause of her passing was because she could no longer sustain any kind of happiness in this existence.

Kathy was beautiful, highly intelligent and possessed a remarkable sharp wit. Yet, from a very young age she also appeared aloof and reserved. Curiously, she was often judged,  and sometimes quite harshly, because of this particular quirk. Why anyone would choose to be offended by this trait is still a mystery to me. Those like her, with an extremely sensitive soul, will inherently create an environment for themselves simply to protect that fragile being from harm.  This attitude should be embraced and rewarded, instead of judged and ridiculed. Continue reading

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