jesus christ
Life After Life (Part 4 of 7) – Afterlife Language
The language of the Afterlife, and of Heaven, is much different from the languages we use on Earth. I have shared in the earlier parts of this series my own personal experiences of Heaven. One quandary that I have personally had with these experiences is that the dynamic of the “afterlife” experience was not the same for each person experiencing the transition.
In the four most profound visionary experiences I had, three of which I shared in previous posts, the experiences were profoundly different. In my near-death experience (NDE) I felt a sense of transcendence, and also had a cosmic experience. My father transitioned in what could be considered an average “Christian” transition. Jesus was there, as well as family and friends as far as the eye could see. I mentioned a third person as well, who had committed suicide. In this experience he was actually trying to get away, but angels blocked his path. Continue reading
More Than We Can Imagine
I often set an intention before I got to sleep of what I want to do during my astral travels. This could be to visit another universe, or a deceased loved one, or to spend time in the sanctuary that I created in my mind’s eye for me to rest and recharge. I do this just before I fall asleep and transfer to the spirit realm. I have shared in previous blogs how you can do this yourself.
I enjoy visitations with my Grandpa during these astral dreams. When I want to visit with my Grandpa, I simply imagine myself walking through a well-worn path to a mechanical lift. I step into the lift and rise with it to the top of a very tall hill. Here there is a portal that I enter that leads to my sanctuary or my “happy place.” From here I may continue the journey further, or I will remain there and enjoy astral encounters with others. Continue reading
The Nature Of Spirit
When getting a reading you may hear a psychic use the term “Spirit” during the reading. But what is Spirit? Spirit is another way of saying “God” or “the Divine.”
In my personal experience Spirit is the in-dwelling essence from which all things come. Spirit is the life force that dwells within us and in all living things, and represents each individual’s highest path and potential.
So how do we connect with “Spirit”? The concept or idea of Spirit is found within many spiritual traditions. It is the reason why individuals to this day practice specific religions in hopes that they too can align themselves with the higher power or Spirit. Continue reading
Spiritual Practices To Promote Alignment
There are many types of spiritual practices that will bring alignment to your life. Spiritual practices are the methods by which we understand the inner world, and learn just how much impact our inner world has on the outer world.
Jesus said, “With faith the size of a mustard seed you could move a mountain.” Faith is a constant, and always brings forth the manifestation of our inner beliefs. Spiritual practice allows the practitioner to gain spiritual awareness, and by doing so shifts negative or useless beliefs into useful beliefs that can have a profound impact on the journey of life. Continue reading
The Rise Of A New Spirituality
In Beyond the Postmodern Mind, Huston Smith writes that “Rationalism and Newtonian science has lured us into dark woods, but a new metaphysics can rescue us”. Mankind will never give up its quest to find spiritual meaning and purpose in this world. This quest is what has been driving both science and religion for centuries.
The Buddha said, “The teacher appears when the student is ready.” The same principle applies to the human species as a collective. We have been exposed to new esoteric and scientific insights as we evolved – always when the time was right and the world was ready. Prominent religions all over the world were all founded on esoteric guidance and metaphysical wisdom delivered at various times throughout history by great teachers and prophetic messengers. But as time passed and these religions expanded, they were often contaminated by human bureaucracy, superstition, doctrine and dogma, which distorted the original teachings. Continue reading