When Tarot Cards Are ‘Wrong’
As a Tarot reader through many seasons, I have seen for myself where interpretation, listening to instinct and understanding the true meaning behind the cards makes for a better and more rounded reading. But perhaps the Tarot in and of itself will want to play tricks on you. This too I have seen many times!
People tend to misunderstand the Tarot, its meaning, and more importantly, its true purpose. It was never intended as a fortune telling tool per se. It can only be through careful study and a willingness to open one’s mind and heart, that reading the Tarot can be truly successfully mastered. Yes, even to the point of predicting time frames – something clients love, of course, but which can be very tricky to predict. Reading the cards correctly and imparting correct advise is crucial when it comes to time prediction. Continue reading
What Brings True Happiness?
Sitting in my meditation room, I set my intention. I wanted to connect with my guide and through doing so ask a few questions I have been pondering with my earthly mind. Sitting quietly, spirit approached.
This energy was all too familiar, it was my guide, my main guide, the one who promised me in life he would reach out to me once fully transitioned. Yes, just like all the times before, like a big ball of love with a wonderful loving smile, my Grandpa came to me. Sitting without words, as our communication is always telepathic, he was resonating pure white light and love. Continue reading
Engaging The Angels In Your Forgiveness Work
Anyone can call on the angels to help them in any situation. Carl Jung called the angels, “The thoughts of God.” You do not have to belong to a specific religion or denomination to ask the angels for assistance and guidance. They are unconditional love manifested into form and can help us through all our challenges.
One thing that I have found useful on my own journey of forgiveness is to engage the angels in my own forgiveness work.
Try this brief invocation to ask the angels for guidance on your healing journey:
Holy Mother, Holy Father God, Light and Love of the Universe, I ask today for assistance with my path. I ask for the angels to surround me and fill me with the light of truth.