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My Favorite Heart Healing Crystals

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe heart chakra is the energy center that balances out the rest of our energy body, namely the upper three chakras and the lower three chakras. When we have an imbalance in our heart center one of two things occur: we find ourselves overly emotional and we find it difficult to clearly think things through. The opposite thing that can happen is we become overly logical, and lack a sense of emotional connection and empathy related to our situations.

When an individual is overly emotional and not thinking things through, most of their energy is concentrated in the lower three chakras. This energy is intensified and can often become stuck, because the energy is not able to flow through the heart center. Continue reading

My Favorite Prosperity Crystals

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIs your life prosperous? And no, it does not refer solely to how much money your have. Prosperity is certainly related to money, however I do not believe that money alone represents prosperity.

I have been doing intuitive readings for many years, and some of my regular clients are some of the wealthiest people in the country. Yet, many of them suffer broken relationships, heartache, and face other life struggles. Even though their money is in order, they are lacking in many other areas of their lives. So, it is my conviction that the true definition for prosperity is not just money, but rather a feeling of fulfillment in all areas of life. Continue reading

Keep Calm And Blog On!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings now for many, many moons. A favorite piece of advice I have been sharing with my clients over the years is to write stuff down when you are stressed. Just get it on paper, in any way, shape or form that you can!

When you feel depressed, distressed, angry or anxious, simply grab a pen or pencil and express how you feel. Write a letter, or some poetry, post your thoughts on the Facebook, or even blog about it. Expressing feelings in written words can be a huge relief and allows you to get them out of your system and release toxic emotions.

When you write how you feel, you are also letting it go. Many clients have expressed to me that they actually feel lighter and less stressed or anxious after writing a note to God or a short poem. Continue reading

Seeing Clearly By Way Of Faith

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost of us face a roller-coaster life. We have our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations. We sometimes feel tempted to say things we shouldn’t, and we are sometimes unable to put that chocolate chip cookie down when we know we should.

We live in a world where there are temptations all around us. That little voice in our head tells us to do it, when our intuition says it would hurt us. We are sometimes left conflicted and double-minded.

But when we have faith we act and speak wisely. Faith helps us to choose the path of wisdom and it instills insight. When we choose to think negatively, and turn away from faith, that is when obstacles enter into our life. Continue reading

Solitary Bliss

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI like to do many things by myself – alone. I can concentrate better when I’m left to my own devices. I feel centered and complete when I’m in my own little retreat; my energy is my own and I don’t have to be disrupted in any way, shape or form.

When I am out in nature taking walks, or wanting to spend time with God in prayer, I am at my most peaceful. I like to meditate alone. I get more out of whatever I’m doing when I am doing it with just me, myself and I.

I respect those who need others to feel connected. I feel we are all on our own journeys and that is what makes us all unique. Continue reading

Would Turning Your Fantasy Into Reality Be Wise?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHow many thoughts do we have per day? Nobody seems to know for sure and the experts don’t agree, but they all seem to concur that it is ranges somewhere in the thousands. We also have many daydreams and fantasies that cross our minds on a daily basis.

Many of these thoughts and daydreams we would never share with our mates, friends, or family. Many of us never act on our fantasies, for various obvious reasons: we want to stay married, or we want to stay in the same job, or we fear failure should we attempt something new and different. Some of us may even fear that we could end up behind bars in extreme cases. Continue reading

Let It Be, Let it Go…

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI know a few friends who feel they have to control everything. They are seldom happy. Always frazzled. They seem to have this constant air of uptightness and anxiousness about them.

Do you know anyone like this? Often times, when doing readings for people who have control issues, there is a song that usually comes to mind for me: Let It Be by John Lennon and The Beatles. It is a wonderful song that talks about letting things just be and go where they are supposed to.

I have found that people that feel they have to have everything a certain way, who try to dominate how things are going to be, have so much unnecessary distress in their lives. People who instead just go with the flow, and allow life happen as it will, generally are more serene and often even seem to be in a state of bliss. Continue reading

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