The True Nature Of Forgiveness
What I have received from Spirit and my mentors about the nature of forgiveness is that it is first of all not about allowing bad behavior in others to continue. This is the most important thing to remember when we are ready to venture into our inner forgiveness journey.
If someone is continually wounding us through their actions or words, it is important to understand that the most loving thing we can do for ourselves and for the other person is to let them go. This may be a scary thing for some people, but to really release our pain we must release the source of the pain. Some situations are reconcilable through an honest reflection of the situation by both parties. However if this is not working, then lovingly releasing that person from your life will not only keep you from being hurt, it will allow you to open up space for relationships that bring value to your human journey. Continue reading
Run Your Body As You Would Your Car
Supposing you just bought yourself a brand new vehicle – top of the line with all the bells and whistles you could possibly afford. Chances are you would attempt to keep it in a secure environment out of reach from harmful elements.
You would probably also look forward to washing it with care every weekend; showing it off to your friends as often as possible; and plan all the roads trips you could manage to fit into your schedule.
When you fill your new car up with gas, you would try to get the best fuel available and might even consider special additives, just to ensure that this vehicle is maintained with the most loving care. You would check to make sure you inflated the tires to the manufacturer’s specifications, schedule the oil changes at the appropriate times, and ask the attendant to see if the oil and fuel filters need to be changed. Continue reading
Do Not Fill Your World With Loneliness
Are you lonely? We all experience times when we actually choose to have some ‘alone time’, but loneliness is not the same as choosing to be alone. Loneliness is being alone, but feeling saddened by it.
My husband is currently in hospital here in Spain and I am in awe of the number of family and friends constantly visiting patients in hospital here. This is encouraged by the doctors as the best aid in speeding up healing. They must know that loneliness is a response to the need to belong. Interpersonal relationships give us emotional health and the basic need to belong is as fundamental as the need to breathe, sleep or eat. Continue reading
Grief And Spiritual Healing
Every one of us deals with loss at some point in our lives. A family member, a friend, even our beloved pets. We may be angry or depressed long after the loss occurs, and ask ourselves why it happened. As we work through the stages of grief, keeping a sense of spirituality is essential.
It’s natural to ask our higher power for answers. We have to keep the lines of communication open. In doing so, we work through our grief and learn more about ourselves. This is called “soulwork,” or “soul-searching.” It should not be confused with connecting to our loved ones on the other side, though this may be part of the journey. Expressing grief is the most important thing we can do. Continue reading
My Energy Battle With The Invisible Woman
I went through something very confusing and traumatic many years ago. While in the middle of it, I realized that it was forcing me to learn about spiritual darkness. A topic I had refused to acknowledge or think about, since I chose to see the best in people. Since going through this dark period, I have had hundreds of clients come to me who have gone through the exact same thing and I am now equipped to help them both psychically and practically.
It all began when I took over a business along with all of its employees. The then manager was named Carol. I remember when I first shook her hand I felt a wave of nausea. I since have come to recognize this as the psychic acknowledgment of darkness present in someone. Continue reading
How To Set Intentions For Crystal Energy Work
In my previous blogs I have discussed how to clear the energy from minerals and crystals, and also how to activate the matrix energy that exists within minerals and crystals. Now it’s time to discuss practical use.
Crystal energy is subtle energy, and aligns itself with your intentions. The best way to use crystals in your everyday life is to set an intention for the specific crystal you are using.
Setting intention when you are working with crystals is the most important step in using your crystals. Crystals can certainly aid us in discovery and assist us in bringing about change, but the reality is that if we remain unwilling to change in certain areas of our lives the crystals themselves will have little effect.
Here are three great ways to set your intention: Continue reading