Make Changes To Simplify Your Life
Drama and chaos. We don’t need it. It comes in the form of junk that we don’t like, or even use in our homes. It can also come in the form of toxic people who clutter up our lives with dis-ease. As much as we love these people, who may be our friends or family, we sometimes simply need to make those changes in order to create real, positive change.
Realizing this, I asked my main guide, my ancestor, what I could do to create more peace in my life. I heard him say simply, “Make the necessary changes in your life and you will find your life to be much more peaceful and simplified!” Continue reading
Connecting With Your Inner Bliss
I recently came across an article about spiritual seekers who travel to distant lands to achieve such a state of bliss and inner peace. But in my experience you really don’t have to go all the way to some exotic destination to achieve a higher state of consciousness.
When I am alone, I often find myself in a state of complete and utter bliss. When I am by myself, my energy is my own. I feel centered and complete, as if on my own little retreat. I have always felt this way and I savor the quiet moments of my day.
With a willing heart to carve out some time in your busy day, you can center yourself by being mindful and allowing your thoughts to simply come and go. Simply take a moment of solitude and go with the flow. Continue reading
The Familiar Eyes Of A Kindred Soul
Have you ever met someone who you just felt were from the same soul group as yourself? Sometimes we look into the eyes of a stranger and feel a very strong connection. It could be a very awkward feeling, especially when you are not expecting it.
Yes, we do connect with those who are kindred spirits. You feel that you know that person, and most likely you do. You know that person because your memory of them is recorded in your cell memory.
We have had many past lives and sometimes we find we are incarnated in the same soul group as that person. We sometimes connect with them briefly, for only a few minutes. Sometimes we see them every day at work, at school. Some are our teacher in some way shape or form. Continue reading
Animal Afterlife
I was doing a remote viewing reading recently for a friend, whose golden retriever had gone missing, to see if I could locate the dog. I saw her in a pasture, near a barn. There happened to be a farm right up the road from my friend’s house, so that is where she went.
She sent me a message later to let me know that she had found her Daisy, near a barn, like I had seen her. The owners had been trying to figure out who she might belong to. They had just taken a picture of her and was about to get posters made to share around, in hopes of finding her owner.
I was so happy for my friend, because she got Daisy four years ago, after her previous dog, Honey, had passed. Honey lived for nearly 8 years, before passing due to health issues. They were so connected, and she has always felt that Daisy and Honey have many similarities. She even felt at times that Honey’s spirit may have reincarnated through Daisy. Honey also looked just like Daisy, both golden retrievers. Continue reading