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The Paranormal Mystery Of Psychic Sounds

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI read once that it takes considerable energy for spirit to connect with us by means of sound. Right in the middle of a session at one of my last psychic circle gatherings, before I moved to another continent last year, the four of us heard a loud male voice outside the room.

Nobody else was home, but the girls immediately thought it was my husband, even though we hadn’t heard the obvious signs of an electric gate opening, nor his truck driving in. My interpretation was that the voice said: “Hello girls”. I immediately thought of my father who, since his passing in 2005 has been a regular visitor to our monthly psychic circle. Continue reading

Prairie Dog Wisdom

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn Native American tradition the “prairie dog” brings with it a special message of retreat when it crosses our path. In times of stress and over-exertion it reminds us to take some time out, withdraw from our busy modern lives and recharge our batteries.

This is what the prairie dog does when it gets into trouble. It withdraws into the safe depths of the earth, with several escape routes waiting in case of emergency. The prairie dog teaches us to pick our battles carefully. Prairie dog medicine is also symbolic of the opposite. In times when we have become too withdrawn and disconnected from family, friends and the world around us, this magical animal encourages us to reach out to others and join in social activities. Continue reading

Watch Your Tongue, For Less Is More

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all know individuals we sometimes wish had a zipper attached to their lips. You know, those people who constantly gossip and speak out of turn, with a tendency to go on, and on, and on? Some people just don’t seem to care if people view them disrespectfully, or are annoyed by their verbal outbursts or destructive communication. They just don’t care. Period.

I have some personal experiences that you might relate to. How about a family member around whom you always have to watch what you say. Everyone is constantly walking on egg shells, for fear of saying the wrong thing, because this person will take it as a personal attack. You dare say something out of line… and you open a can of blah-blah-blah! Some people truly feel the world revolves around them. They take life much to seriously. Continue reading

From The Inner Circle At Stonehenge

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA radiant dusk was upon us when we reached the top of the concrete staircase. Emerging from below, our trivial conversation abruptly ceased. We were stunned into an instant, breathless, respectful silence. Before us rose the towering magnificence of Stonehenge… graceful and glimmering in the late Summer sunset!

Being so suddenly in the presence of the most famous prehistoric monument in Europe, was the most memorable moment of my entire journey. I had the privilege of being a member of a small private party on a special tour to this magical place. Our visit took place after hours, with special permission from the authorities.

The exclusive access we were granted enabled us to visit Stonehenge at sunset, and later under starlight, after the site was closed to the public. Most importantly, we had the unique privilege to enter into the inner circle, which is not accessible to day visitors. Continue reading

Your Mental Garden

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOur minds are like soil. We are constantly planting seeds of thought. If you could walk through your ‘mental garden’, what would you see growing there?

When I meditate early in the morning, I try and focus on a color to bring me to a quiet, relaxed state of mind. Today, I was thinking of the color green. I wanted to take a look at my inner garden, and nurture and fertilize it, and maybe do some weeding.

Walking through my garden, I asked that God help me to recognize my talents and abilities – those that I possibly never considered before. Maybe I can plant these new seeds f goodness, and continue to fertilize the ones that are already fruitful in my life. At the same time I will also be weeding out any bad seeds – the thoughts that are  growing there that are not serving me or my highest good. Continue reading

Let It Be, Let it Go…

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI know a few friends who feel they have to control everything. They are seldom happy. Always frazzled. They seem to have this constant air of uptightness and anxiousness about them.

Do you know anyone like this? Often times, when doing readings for people who have control issues, there is a song that usually comes to mind for me: Let It Be by John Lennon and The Beatles. It is a wonderful song that talks about letting things just be and go where they are supposed to.

I have found that people that feel they have to have everything a certain way, who try to dominate how things are going to be, have so much unnecessary distress in their lives. People who instead just go with the flow, and allow life happen as it will, generally are more serene and often even seem to be in a state of bliss. Continue reading

Connect With The Light

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhy are so many people feeling depressed these days? One of the main reasons are the slower economy, and not enough time to do the things they want to do.

Many of us do not have enough time with family. Time is flying by too quickly and it’s easy to not be grounded and connected to the Light. Therefore, smiles too often turn to upside down happy faces!

When this happens it is important to get that time alone with yourself first, before you reach out to others. Take the time to get in alignment with who you are, and hear that quiet voice telling you what you really should be doing. With some solitude and contemplation we can make some course corrections in our lives and get the Light back in our lives. Continue reading

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