lunar node
Astrology Forecast July 29 – August 4, 2024
The week begins this morning with the Moon in a moody semisextile aspect to Chiron and a semisquare to the Node, causing us to feel more emotionally sensitive and introspective, with a hint of tension about our path forward.
Pay attention to subtle inner cues, as these can offer profound insights into personal growth and understanding. You may feel a slight tug between past patterns and future aspirations this morning, requiring a balanced approach to resolution. Trust your intuition and consider how your actions align with your long-term goals.
Fortunately, the Sun’s quintile to the Moon later this morning offers a spark of creative inspiration and emotional clarity. This aspect enhances your ability to express yourself authentically and creatively, paving the way for positive interactions and innovative solutions.
This week we can expect to feel the pre-shadow effects of Mercury going retrograde on Sunday. As it is, Mercury is already slowing down to retrace its steps through the degrees it will later revisit during retrograde.
We may begin to notice miscommunication, delays, and technological glitches even before the official retrograde period begins next week. The pre-shadow phase sets the stage for retrograde, and being aware of it can help you prepare and manage its potential effects more effectively. If you have not already done so, now is the time to back up all your data and update your computer and smartphone.