Mixed Birth Patterns And Multiple Influences
Most people know their Astrological sign, or Sun sign. Most also know their birth order in the family: oldest, middle child, or youngest. And a few people may even know their Numerological life number, which is the sum of the digits in one’s birth date and determines the major themes of an individual’s life. But what many people don’t know is that these influences must be taken into account as a whole!
Each of these aspects tell a unique story, since no two individuals are alike. We’ll use the example of Amy, a Gemini Sun sign born on June 15, 1978, to demonstrate this concept of mixed birth patterns. Gemini, the Twins, are usually outgoing types who excel at communication and strive to make many friends. The Sun sign, the foremost influence in one’s chart, forms the basis of our personality. What really gets interesting is what lies beyond the basic, ‘garden-variety’ Astrological readings found on a typical horoscopes website or newspaper column. Continue reading
2017 Is A New Beginning
So many things happened in 2016 on a global scale that influenced the global conversation. This makes a lot of sense when you consider the Numerological implications of the year 2016.
Last year was governed by the number 9.
There are other year formats in many countries, but for the Western world, the numerological influence of 9 was certainly present. The number nine is ultimately a good number. It is associated with the beginning phases of manifestation, where thoughts become form, as seen in the tradition of the Tarot. It is the consciousness we need to become creators on a personal level, as well as on a global scale.
In 2016 the global conversation and consciousness has changed slightly because of this 9 influence. There were changes politically and socially that have caused many people to take a second look at their own lives and their contributions to our society. Continue reading
A Year Of Endings And Goodbyes
This year, so far, has been a difficult time for many, not only for my clients, but for myself, as well. The static on the planet continues to increase. Actually, I first noticed the dramatic increase during the first week of June 2015, but today I want to focus on the year 2016.
In recent weeks, I felt the past resurfacing and washing over me like a surfer wave. For one thing, we are in a nine year in numerology, which denotes a year of goodbyes, endings, deaths and ultimately rebirth.
If you experience the past washing over you, as well, whether in the form of reliving past experiences, saying goodbye to some part of yourself that you no longer need, or letting an actual person from your past go, the point is to think about what these intense episodes are teaching you. What is the purpose – the lesson? Continue reading