life design
My First Lesson In Karma
When we are young and inundated with life, wrapped up in the goings on of early adulthood, we sometimes miss important moments. But fortunately we can sometimes go back and touch on those things with our mind that we didn’t take the time for during those early years.
For example, I was thinking recently about a friend I used to go visit a lot when I was younger. She was from another country and her parents were much older than most who had a 15-year-old child.
We used to have sleepovers. One memory that stands out is waking up at her house one particular morning and looking out her bedroom window. It was late fall and I remember seeing her father sitting on a chair in their backyard, near the edge of the woods. He was playing a musical instrument which was some sort of Native American flute. Continue reading
Make It Possible In 2018!
I love the New Year, because the potential for a fresh start always awaits us at this time. It offers the excitement of new beginnings, second chances, or simply the anticipation as to what a new year might bring.
My guides have taught me that we can create a new beginning for ourselves at any time, by mastering the art of visualization. History is full of stories about people who have failed, and failed, and then finally succeeded. Did visualizing help them? I am convinced it must have.
In short, it all begins in our heads, by being open to the possibility of something, and defining a way forward that works for us as individuals. What better time for such a renewed mindset than the New Year? Continue reading
Manifesting A Better Life
Many questions I am asked in psychic readings have to do with why someone’s life has not changed to what they want it to be. Some people feel they have religiously applied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, or they closely followed the guidelines of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, or one of the many other popular methods for manifesting through the Law of Attraction, but nothing has changed.
And when I ask these people what they have changed in their inner being or subconscious mind to allow the new to come in, often I receive the response, “Oh, I have already done all that!” However, had the person ‘done all that’ they would be manifesting their intentions. But they are not.
Some steps on the way to manifesting a better life may seem redundant – especially the detail work, the forgiveness and releasing, and the simply believing that it can come… and not specifically in the way that the person has set out in their mind. Continue reading
Romance And The Law Of Attraction
You are most likely familiar with the Law of Attraction and the notion that positive or negative thought will attract likewise energies or results. In other words, you ‘get out what you put out.’ But did you know that this principle applies just as much to our love lives as our work, money, and other aspects of our lives?
When looking for a romantic partner, people tend to focus on the superficial: appearance, style of dress, social status, income level, and so on. We may say that we want a mate who is active, happy, and successful. But looking in the mirror, how much do those criteria describe us? If we are lazy, unkind, or cynical, the Law of Attraction mandates that inevitably, the same type of person will be drawn to us. Continue reading
The Art Of Palmistry
Palmistry, chiromancy, or palm reading, is one of the oldest methods of foretelling the past, present and future, by reading the lines of the hand. It is a form of divination practised all over the world. The earliest recorded evidence of this divination technique has been found in Asia, from where it spread to the rest of the world.
Each person has unique lines and shape of hand. Thus the use of fingerprinting in identifying individuals. In palmistry, the lines and shape of the hands indicate a person’s character, marriage, how many children they will have, as well as the foreboding of positive and negative life events. Continue reading
This Time I Won!
About 15 years ago, I was house hunting for my second home. I found a place in a remote community in the woods. It was my dream home. It was like a fairy house, complete with a creek running through the yard.
It had this amazing rock wall surrounding it that looked like a castle wall. It was very private, with a secluded community of other fairy, woodsy magical house lovers. I just knew it was my house! It felt like destiny. But was it?
Most psychics will tell you that we cannot really read for ourselves and, when we do try, it usually is not very successful. We often get things very wrong for ourselves. Continue reading