life design
The Year Of The Snake
Happy New Year! Today heralds the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Snake. Each year in the Chinese Zodiac New Year’s day falls on a different date, and this year’s date is February 10, 2013.
The Snake Year comes sixth in the cycle of the zodiac and reoccurs every 12th year. This means that you are a Snake if you were born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1989 or 2001. Ancient Chinese wisdom states that if you have a snake in your house your family will never go hungry, because a snake is said to be sage, wise and a good protector of his or her family’s belongings and home.
The Chinese Zodiac is a lunar-based calendar and the Chinese New Year is sometimes referred to as The Lunar New Year. The cycle flows as follows: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Continue reading
No! Thank You!
I feel like so many of my clients have woken up and really made some amazing progress from the beginning of 2012. I have had so many clients tell me that, because of my advice and readings, their lives have changed dramatically.
When I do a psychic reading I share what comes in – quickly and without hesitation. If I feel someone is not going to get any real soul growth or soul evolution from a relationship or a career that they continue to stay stuck in, where the energy is stagnant and it really is going nowhere, I will definitely share this. I do not sugar coat and I don’t waste people’s time. I want them to have the very best life possible – and want them to have it as quick as possible.
I am a firm believer in not wasting time. I like to be progressive and constantly moving forward, but doing so in a way where you can enjoy every minute. I treat every single psychic reading as if it were a new, fresh client, as the outcome may have changed based on the person I am reading for, or the person they are having me look at for them. A person’s thoughts, words, choices and decisions most certainly may change the outcome or the timeframe I saw previously. Continue reading
My Mother, My Self
My mother is a wonderful woman. Kind-hearted, giving, a great cook and a good listener. In short she is all the things a good mother should be.
My mother is also the most mean-spirited and callous woman you could ever not want to meet. She will cause a scene just to do it, just to get a rise out of someone, because she is bored and isn’t getting paid any attention. Which, to her, is all the time.
My mother is bipolar, with severe manic-depressive mood swings that leave you gasping for breath in the wake of an episode, the same way you gasp for breath after being sucked under by a huge wave of water. My mother has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). There, but for the Grace of God, go I, as the saying goes. Continue reading
Magical Thinking
Magical thinking is a common trait found among all children all over the world, between the ages of approximately two until seven years of age. This time frame is also known as the ‘pre-operational stage’ of child development and it is the period in our early life when we increasingly explore our environment, and gradually learn to distinguish between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’.
Children at this age initially have all kinds of imaginative ideas and magical interpretations of the world, in order to make sense of their external and internal reality. At this age we still believe that we can grow wings and learn to fly; or that animals can talk and sing; or that our shadow is a magical person following us around; or that the Sun goes to sleep in the ocean; that there is a man living in the Moon; or that the wind, the clouds and the trees notice us and obey our instructions. We often also have ‘imaginary friends’ at this age. Continue reading
Just In Time
Time is a fascinating concept, and I say this even as I sit here having not worn a watch in twenty something years!
Time, as we know it, is an incredible thing. It heals all wounds, it mends fences, faces and most cuts and scrapes and bruises. It helps marinate things to a tastier level than previous. Time is also money. The list is endless.
I watched a movie the other day, In Time with Justin Timberlake. What a trip that movie was! The basic premise is that time is the only currency. A person is given 25 years to live, and then after that their own personal ‘time clock’ on their wrists starts to tick-tock away. There is no money – everything is bought and paid for ‘in time’.
What would you do if you had all the time in the world? It made me ponder, and it made me look to the past and go around times in my life where I thought for sure this was ‘it’. Although, in retrospect I’m not entirely sure what ‘it’ even was. I certainly never knew it, even when it was right there in my face! Continue reading
Spiritual Practice
Awakening, reconnecting and realigning with the Divine Self is no doubt the most important first step in personal spiritual growth, individuation and ultimate transcendence. To rediscover your Higher Self and tap into your Higher Consciousness is usually a very awe-inspiring and life-changing experience. But your new found spiritual awareness and rediscovered Divine origins may soon lose its power to transform your life if you do not adopt a new lifestyle that includes some kind of consistent spiritual practice.
Divine Living and spiritual practice goes hand in hand. A Divine Life is impossible to achieve without some form of regular spiritual practice, in order to increase and maintain your connection and alignment with the Divine Self. What you come to know and believe about your own spiritual origins is meaningless, unless you have a direct and personal daily experience of receiving guidance from your inner Divinity. The only way to achieve this is to practice your new awareness and beliefs on a daily basis. Continue reading