To Find Love… Just Stay In The Groove
My husband’s name is Ken and this year is our 50th wedding anniversary. Even after all this time, I still enjoy looking back to see how the Universal Force conspired to bring us together in this lifetime.
I was born on Canada’s East Coast and Ken is from the West Coast. We met each other smack in the middle, in the Province of Manitoba. There is an interesting tale attached to all of this. From the day my father and I first laid eyes on each other, there was an intense dislike between us from the very beginning. This materialized into a combative position that lasted most of our lives. My father was a violent, sadistic and cruel man, however, luckily for me my siblings were some of the best the Universe had to offer, and this helped offset what we had to endure from him.
Treasure The Living Years
Many of us attach personal meaning to songs. Perhaps it is a song played at your wedding, or a family member’s favorite tune, or something meaningful from your childhood years.
Psychics often have songs come to mind during readings, or we find they are playing on the car radio after we were just thinking of that special family member or friend. We then take that as a sign that they are watching over us and that they had just stepped in from the Spirit side of life to make their presence know. These songs can be the triggers for memories that we once treasured, or continue to treasure, or to remind you how precious and loved you are. Continue reading
Ways To Protect Your Energy Field
Lightworkers who do energy healing, psychic readings or mediumship need to energetically clear out their work space and energy field or aura, before and after helping people. Psychic protection prevents our energy from being drained or interfered with, both in our personal and professional lives.
However, the need for psychic protection and energy clearing actually applies to everybody. This is especially true for those who are prone to picking up vibes and emotions from others. If we don’t shield and protect our own energy field, we can become drained, exhausted, ‘feeling dirty,’ or simply upset and angry. Continue reading
Where Do We Go After This Life?
Where do we go to after this lifetime? This is a fundamental question many of us would like to have answered by spirit. I asked this for myself some time ago and found out that when I leave this plane some day, I will be going to a place called “Sanatch.” No other information was forthcoming, so I have no idea where that is, or what it is I will be doing there.
I was also able to see where some of the people in my life will be heading to next. Some have meanwhile departed and are now entrenched into their new existence.
My sister, Alfreda, went to work at the tender age of 15, which was typical in the early 50’s. She worked for a large jewelry store called Burk’s, which is still in existence today. As a part of her duties she would go to different floors of the store using the elevator system. On one such an excursion Alfreda met a good-looking, and very friendly young man named Andre, and as they say the rest was history. Continue reading
Life Is Sweeter With Kindred Souls
Some people simply add value to our lives. Kindred souls are true friends who make us feel that sharing space with them, or being around them, is right where we are meant to be. I call that comfortable, blissful feeling “being in Zen.”
Then of course we have all experienced sharing space with toxic people who make us feel like we need to leave immediately, because if we don’t take action we will soon start to feel depleted or drained. I like to describe that feeling as “going against the grain.” It very much feels like I’m doing something that doesn’t feel right, or that I am not where I’m supposed to be. Continue reading
Taurus – That’s No Bull!
The second sign of the zodiac, Taurus (the Bull) is a fixed Earth sign and known for its practicality, thrift, and steadiness. But there’s more to this sign than just being grounded.
Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, those born under this sign, between April 20th and May 21st, are sensual and often make great lovers. In the non-romantic sense, they are devoted to their friends and family and can be very generous.
At work, Taurus will go the extra mile without seeking the glory. Naturally thrifty, they’re the perfect person to manage money and accounts. This doesn’t mean Taureans are boring accountants in khakis!
Taurus has a gift for fashion and creative endeavors and can often be found in the world of haute couture, as well as in the ranks of famous musicians (among them Bono, Stevie Wonder, and Adele.) Fields such as architecture and music management are perfect for the Bull, who appreciates a blend of the practical and indulgent. Continue reading