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Do Not Fill Your World With Loneliness

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAre you lonely? We all experience times when we actually choose to have some ‘alone time’, but loneliness is not the same as choosing to be alone. Loneliness is being alone, but feeling saddened by it.

My husband is currently in hospital here in Spain and I am in awe of the number of family and friends constantly visiting patients in hospital here. This is encouraged by the doctors as the best aid in speeding up healing. They must know that loneliness is a response to the need to belong. Interpersonal relationships give us emotional health and the basic need to belong is as fundamental as the need to breathe, sleep or eat. Continue reading

Enhanced Spirit Visitation With Moldavite

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI can tell you that there is life after death, but you may not believe me. I wouldn’t expect you to believe me, unless you have had an experience like several of the ones I have had over the years.

I can also tell you I believed in the Afterlife long before I had my first experience. I believed so much that I really was never scared of it. It runs in the family. My Hungarian grandfather often liked to try and connect with the Other Side himself. Before his passing I invited him to come to me after he passed; I would readily welcome the visitation. Continue reading

Living Under The Mushroom?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAre you living under the mushroom? This is not necessarily a bad thing, depending what your expectations are. In order to live in the Light we must make an effort of some kind to come out from under the mushroom. Nothing much grows in the shadows.

Living in the Light? What does that mean? Does it mean we will no longer gossip about the neighbors, focus less on the negative aspects of life, stop finding fault with others, and never expect bad things to happen to us? Probably not.

What “living in the Light” does mean is that we strive to accept and understand the motives of others, and that we allow some leeway when dealing with faulty human beings, especially considering the fact that we are personally also one of those “faulty souls”. We also choose to expect good things. Continue reading

Say Good Morning To The World

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYesterday was a real hard one for me; too many things going wrong: kids not observing rules, friends who just needed a few minutes to talk, family calling with one problem or another, and then being notified to fill in at work at the last minute.

Good morning to the World.

There I went, off to the craziness of another day in the old rat race of work, and family chaos.

But this morning I took a different approach, by returning to my usual daily routine. Seeing the Sun rising high in the East, I went outside to sit on the bench with my second cup of espresso. To charge up my energy I started singing O’ Sole Mio in a clear, strong voice. This is the best way to welcome the blessings of another day – before everyone else wakes up. Continue reading

Your Life Can Be So Much More Beautiful…

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf I told you that your life could be beautiful and filled with joy every single moment of the day, every day of the year, would you believe me? Probably not. You’d be correct. Nothing is 100% perfect all the time. But what if I told you that there are a few things you could try that has worked for me to help manifest a much more peaceful, harmonious and drama-free life? Would you be willing to give them a try? If so, then I encourage you to keep reading.

The strategies below have stripped most of the stress from my life, and made me much more relaxed and able to enjoy special times, and create special memories, with those that mean the most to me. Remember those moments are fleeting. Don’t allow them to slip away from you, because you were too focused on things that, if you look at it carefully, not that important at all! Continue reading

Soul Groups And Pre-Existence Agreements

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that we belong to soul groups, that we choose to participate in this particular existence in a certain way based on a soul agreement. It is quite similar to auditioning for a play. We can choose to be in a comedy, drama, horror or even a combination of all of the above. We can also choose to take on the leading role, or just be a supporting cast member, or perhaps a cameo or extra taking a background position.

Which position are we willing to take on? This in itself can be a great challenge, as well as a profound learning experience. Many times if we have chosen a role that caused grief or harm we will regroup at a later date to try and resolve latent issues. If we are successful it is wonderful, because we can then pursue a totally different role or existence or go on to something completely different. Continue reading

Grandpa’s Visitation Heightened My Spirituality

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember it very distinctively. Almost 16 years ago, after his passing, I prayed to God that I may be able to make contact with my Grandpa. I needed to say goodbye and tell him I love him one last time. He had promised me before his passing that he would return to visit me. He kept his promise.

I decided to learn the Rosary while at a Catholic bookstore, shortly before his funeral. I was buying cross pendants for my grandma and other members of the family who wanted to wear a similar necklace my grandpa would be buried with it. I felt it would help those of us mourning to feel connected and closer to him. I think I bought ten of them. My brothers each took one, as well as my mother, and of course my grandma and a few of my cousins.

A nun at the store told me that day that if I learned the Rosary, I would be blessed. She gave me a bookmark which explained all the different blessings one is to receive if you learn and recite the Rosary every day. I decided I wanted to know how to pray the Rosary. Continue reading

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