Pushing Energy To The Extreme
A mother’s precious child becomes trapped under a car. There is no one in close enough proximity to come to her assistance and as she becomes frantic with the awful possibilities of the potential outcome. Then some unknown force seems to take over her body…
With no conscious thought as to how she will rescue her offspring, the anxious mother lets herself become guided by some unknown force and begins to lift the car in order to release the child. She has not thought about the why, or the how, she only knows she must act swiftly, before there is too much damage inflicted on her little one. The car is then miraculously raised, the child is free and mom is now breathing an immense sigh of relief. Continue reading
The Necessity Of Grief
As a psychic medium one learns a lot about grief. There are many different kinds of grief, and it’s not all about death and dying. We grieve many different things in life.
I often hear my clients describe their grief as “my heart has a hole in it” or “my heart has been ripped apart.” When we grieve it does feel as if our heart will never heal. It’s like your physical body is having an actual heart attack.
What each grieving individual experiences is different. Grief has so many different forms and it is impossible to know how it will affect each individual person. We each grieve in our own way.
There is also no time-frame on grief. The length of time a person may grieve is very individual some people may start to feel a little better seven to ten weeks. For others it may be years. Continue reading
False Education Appearing Real
I love the acronym F.E.A.R. (False Education Appearing Real) since we all have people, circumstances, phobias and so forth, that can put us into that space. Fear is an instance of emotion that is triggered by the awareness, or anticipation of danger. It can also become a state of being. Excluding clinical fears, needing professional help, there are many fears we simply impose upon ourselves as a result of life experiences.
One of my fears is acrophobia, the fear of heights. When I get within five feet from the edge of a rooftop, I begin to shake. Climbing 30 foot ladders has me nervous and when I hiked to the pinnacle of the mountain of Macchu Picchu in 2004, I could not take those last six nervous steps onto the plateau pinnacle rock. This was partly being due to a few other tourists already sharing the rock… and I am a little “accident prone.” Continue reading
Grounded In Spirit When Caring For Elderly Parents
I have a friend that is going through the challenging process of watching her aging mom dwindle away. Her mother is losing her memory and the ability to take care of herself the way she used to. So, I try to help when I can. For most of us it’s an issue that we will all most likely face one day.
The spiritual connection to our parents is often a relationship with a history that is very complex. Not everyone has a wonderful, loving relationship with their parents, right? Those of us who do, should never take it for granted. We are truly blessed. Continue reading
Using Stones To Heal – Agates
Crystals and gemstones have been used by almost every culture for healing and mystical purposes. They amplify the user’s vibration and bring to the healing practice their own energy and symbolism.
I used to live by a beach that was covered in agates. I collected them and revered them, somehow instinctively connecting to their magic at an early age. Years later I began using a large variety of agates in my healing practice.
Black or Banded Agate. This agate helps to center the first chakra. It is a great stone for combating anxiety and to ground the physical body. Use this stone for self control, physical energy, grounding, and resilience. Continue reading
Oranges Are Adventurous Souls
Orange soul colors are one of the most notably vibrant. They are exceptional survivors who frequently have huge emotional issues happening in their lives – not just for themselves, but also for close family members.
At the same time, “oranges” are one of the most daring soul colors in existence. They are adventurous spirits who won’t just go on a safari, but will try to get so close to a wild animal that they could count its teeth.
Oranges love to take risks. They can change course abruptly and love to dive into something they may think is important at the moment. They can at times be challenging to live with, as they like to be on the move and do not care for a quiet, normal existence. Oranges are not fond of doing any deep thinking and believe life is to be lived to the fullest. Continue reading