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Jealousy Steals Your Serenity

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoing a psychic reading can sometimes trigger unpleasant memories or negative emotions for the psychic professional. But, as unpleasant as our own experiences may have been, they do help us to identify with those individuals who approach us for counsel.

One situation which has cropped up lately relates to jealous friends or family members. More often than not, my client doesn’t have the foggiest idea as to why the jealousy is there at all, especially when they feel they’ve put every effort into sustaining the relationship in question. All friendships and relationships take work, but when we feel that, in return we are getting back bad vibes, or any kind of negativity, it doesn’t feel fair. Continue reading

The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comImagine for a moment that you have a radio, and instead of tuning in to a single stations, all of the stations are playing at once. That’s what life sometimes feels like to a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) – a designation coined by psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron, which indicates someone whose senses are more attuned than normal to the stimuli around them. The word “empath” is sometimes used to describe highly sensitive people, and other groups, such as those on the autism spectrum.

Aside from sealing themselves in soundproof rooms, or wrapping up in padded clothing, what can they do in a world which sometimes delivers sensory overload? It’s best for the HSP to avoid certain things and situations. Continue reading

How Tough People Handle Stress

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStress confronts us around every corner. Sometimes it’s all we can do to just to get through each day. How we deal with stress says a lot about us, and there are many proactive, healthy ways to do this.

The Serenity Prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” That is a wise prayer! Stress is unavoidable, so don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging that it is there and having tools to fight stress is half the battle. Using multiple tools such as meditations, problem solving strategies, and time management can be much more helpful than only having one ‘go-to’ strategy. Continue reading

Lessons In Love – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLife is difficult at times, but it doesn’t have to be. There is one ingredient, one key element that we can all apply to make life less stressful. It can make life so much more enjoyable and fulfilling. What is it you ask? Why it is love!

“Love? Get real!” you may say, because you have had your fair share of disappointment, heartbreak, and even betrayal.

Many of my clients have had such life-challenging trials and tribulations. I always encourage them to find love in their heart, despite whatever they may have gone through. Yes, unconditional love is powerful! Let it permeate every cell of your being and direct it outwards to those who are difficult to be with. Send it to those who you otherwise can’t stand, or dread to be around. Allow the healing power of love to be the soothing balm in and around your entire being. Continue reading

Compare And Despair

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I attended a Toastmasters meeting where a gentleman was delivering his first speech to this specific group – an ice breaker to have us get acquainted with him. Instead of the typical short autobiographical introduction this speaker chose to give us an overview of his philosophy of life.

He told his audience that he sees himself entering a new phase of his life right now. He spoke about how important it is to get to know yourself and to take care of yourself first and foremost, and to always live in the moment.

After the speech and applause, the toastmaster reflected briefly on what the talk meant to him as he had listened. He said it reminded him of a mentor who had once, many years ago, said to him, “Compare… and despair”. If in life you are constantly comparing yourself to others, or comparing what you have with what others have, or what you feel you lack, or need to achieve, then all that will do is bring yourself unnecessary despair. Continue reading

Forgiveness As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember telling my friend Audrey many years ago how well she was handling an upsetting situation. The matter related to a mutual friend who had borrowed a significant amount of money, and even though swift repayment was promised, the promise was not kept, nor acknowledged by the borrower.

Audrey seemed to take a really spiritual approach towards the situation and said to me, “I don’t lend money without first considering that I may well have to write it off in the end.” This was ironic, since he wasn’t exactly well-off herself.

“Why should I choose to be a victim, and to carry that huge load of resentment around on my shoulders, when I do have a choice to simply put it down? To carry that heavy knapsack of anger and resentment would only be draining to my health and peace of mind,” she explained. Continue reading

Guilt As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA recent traumatic incident with my cat had me really thinking about how each upsetting experience in life really helps me to identify all the more with my psychic reading clients. People often consult professional psychics when they are going through an intense emotion, just like the one I have personally experienced recently as one of my spiritual life lessons.

The unfortunate incident with my cat occurred just a couple of weeks ago. After nine years of sticking to a routine of treating first dogs, and then cats, with an anti-tick solution, I did the unthinkable, and treated my young cat Prince first. Without thinking, I applied to his skin a larger vial than usual, suitable for a medium weight dog. Within minutes Prince was angry and in discomfort, and  then I realized what I’d done! Continue reading

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