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Living In The Past – A Message From My Guides

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people inadvertently choose to live in the past. Usually their past is seen as a much simpler, happier time, with fewer challenges.

Some people had an idyllic childhood and they often wish they could return to that time of playful bliss, loving parents, guiding teachers and wonderful friends. But for others, the past is a horror-strewn path of destructive behavior, with insurmountable adult problems thrust upon them at a tender age. For them the past was a time of much emotional distance or cruelty at home. These memories are indelibly imprinted on the souls of the survivors, but with a much different feeling to be sure.

Although many can put their painful past in perspective, some relive those experiences day after day, harboring hatred and resentment. Continue reading

What Brings True Happiness?

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting in my meditation room, I set my intention. I wanted to connect with my guide and through doing so ask a few questions I have been pondering with my earthly mind. Sitting quietly, spirit approached.

This energy was all too familiar, it was my guide, my main guide, the one who promised me in life he would reach out to me once fully transitioned. Yes, just like all the times before, like a big ball of love with a wonderful loving smile, my Grandpa came to me. Sitting without words, as our communication is always telepathic, he was resonating pure white light and love. Continue reading

Happiness Is Here And Now

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToo often I hear the lament, “When will I be happy?” The answer is simple – right now!

Our mind is our own worst enemy but it can also be our best friend, if we let it. Understanding simple concepts of universal truths can go a long way towards our mind knowing these truths and accepting them as fact into our world.

One of the biggest universal lies is that happiness is a permanent state of being or, worse yet, that everything has to be perfect for you to be happy. That’s a lie. The simple, universal truth is much easier and also much more freeing. Happiness comes in moments, happiness is where you are right now, with exactly what you have. Continue reading

A Deeper Sense Of Spiritual Connection

Click the pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirituality is unique to every individual. Some people experience an overwhelming feeling of the Divine within, while some do not get any feeling whatsoever. Many clients ask me how they can get closer to God, or connect with spirit, or even get that feeling of serene tranquility while meditating.

To experience a deeper sense of spiritual connection try one or more of the following strategies in your spiritual practice:

First of all, never get discouraged! Do not stop meditating just because to don’t feel a certain way. Don’t have a preconceived idea of what meditating should be like. Just being committed to the process and staying the moment is enough. Be present. Continue reading

The Fear Of Here

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA channeled message from the angels:

“One of the things that can block you dear one is the ‘fear of here’ – your inability to be in the present moment. Instead of being in the here and now, part of your consciousness runs off.  This is because you have thoughts that are stuck in past events. When this occurs part of your consciousness runs off to be somewhere else. That part of your mind relives the negative experience repeatedly.

It is like a hamster on a wheel, cycling through the same details but never really going anywhere. Often these repetitions are not even the whole truth of what happened in your life.  Instead, they first come through your perception and then become manipulated and twisted through your fear and your sense of victimhood. Continue reading

The Path To Heaven

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI wanted to set an intention for my evening meditation. I wanted to connect with my higher consciousness, and maybe even connect with my grandfather. I wanted to ask questions about death and what happens to our souls and consciousness. What do we perceive after we die?

After my meditation I took down some notes on things I wanted to share that I felt was important information. Before going to sleep I also set the intention to visit with my spirit guides to retrieve and receive any other information that could help shed some light on our life after death.

This is what I came up with. Continue reading

It’s Okay To Take Care Of Your Self

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOnly you know when it’s time to come out of the closet. Only you know when it’s time to live the life you have always wanted, or were called to live. Is your life like a hamster on a wheel, same old, same old? If you do the same old thing the same old way, you will always get the same old result. Step off the wheel and try something new in your life.

Get rid of the shoulds and should nots. You will always hear that little voice inside your head saying, “I can’t do that, I’m not smart enough… I’m not good enough… I don’t deserve that..” On and on, downing and judging yourself. Only you know when it’s time to clean house, get rid of the useless mental chatter and feel good about yourself. Continue reading

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