Mind Your Mindfulness!
“Mindfulness” is a spiritual concept that has been thrown around a lot these days, but how many of us truly know what it really means? Let’s take a closer look.
Mindfulness basically refers to being fully aware, moment-to-moment, of our subjective conscious experience. But if we look at the components of the word itself, it might actually mean “making our mind full.” This in itself is a strange idea: because it is believed that most of us use only a portion of our mental power, how can we possibly employ it to its full potential?
To be mindful begins with becoming more aware of ourselves, our bodies, our surroundings. One of the reasons it is so difficult to grasp in our modern world is that we’re bombarded with sensory input. Think about the last time you went to the grocery store, or the mall. It’s difficult to concentrate, and that’s on top of all the incoming information on our smart phones and tablets! Continue reading
If Only We Had Some Patience In A Bottle
What is one of the most valuable commodities that anyone can possess in this day and age? What is the one precious thing we all seem to lack?
I believe that, given the opportunity, some of us would even trade all of our earthly possessions for a lifelong supply of this magical substance. It is the one thing that can secure us so much happiness, inner peace and long-term fulfillment.
Have you guessed what this ‘eighth wonder of the world’ is? Well, it is the virtue of patience, of course!
The Dutch say that “a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains”. There is no doubt in my mind that should some genius be able to develop a magical formula to capture patience in a bottle, that person would overnight become the wealthiest and most famous person on the planet! Continue reading