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Living In A State Of Transcendence

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people may claim to be enlightened and living in a very spiritually conscious state. What many believe to be reality is very much not. There is a veil that is in front of most people and most do not see through it, even though they want to. It is for most very hard to reach that state of bliss. Once there though it can be very liberating and this feeling of being truly free is difficult to describe in words.

Once soul has arrived at that ideal state of growth and evolution, you have arrived, or rather transitioned to a frequency that is higher than what most people are attuned to. Most people reside and live in the material realm, paying attention to the latest this, or the greatest that, and buying into the material things of the world. Trying to get happiness from this will always lead to a ‘cup half empty’ feeling. Continue reading

Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHonesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.

Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.

The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading

Dealing With Complex Energies In One Reading

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When psychic does a reading we often pick up on more than one energy, because our spirit guides work in many directions at the same time. Sometimes all these energies can sometimes make a psychic reading very complex.

For example, in a reading I may pick up on the energy of three people at the same time – all of them associated with the situation in a different way. The first person may be a female who is very shy. She has a crush on someone and she is very nervous around this person. She is scared and nervous about talking to this man. She had been on dates before in the past and she had been hurt a lot, so it is hard for her to start a conversation.

When I shift to the man’s energy I might sense that his energy level is very calm and he had a good day, and he was relaxing. So, now I am dealing with two types of energy levels – one at peace and the other very nervous. Continue reading

Take The Heavenly Solitude Challenge! – Part Two

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe benefits of solitude are many and can make a profound change in your life for the better. You can live a life full of happiness, clarity and fullness. When you do not make time for quietness and the wonderful inner stillness that solitude brings, life can get quite chaotic. It can make you nervous, anxious and prone to worry, and all the other negative emotions that can inundate our lives.

In my previous blog I encouraged you to take my solitude challenge. If you have not started yet, now is the time to do so! If you have started adding some moments of solitude into your daily routine, you should have experienced the effect of it by now. Some of the benefits you may have experienced may include any, or all of the following: Continue reading

The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf anyone were to ask me what the highlight of my life has been thus far, I would not even need a nanosecond to think about it. It is the easiest question I could ever answer. The most profound moment for me simply was the day I discovered the true power of authenticity. It was the day I discovered me.

Since that day, the quest for authenticity has completely altered my life. Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting beliefs, to venture far out into the uncharted territories of my inner truth in search of what it means to be genuine and at peace with who I really am. I have been abandoning the masquerade  of living up to the expectations of others and have been exploring the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely me, in all my amazing imperfection and most splendid insecurity. Continue reading

Take The Heavenly Solitude Challenge! – Part One

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy clients are always asking me how it is I’m always so positive and upbeat every time they call for a psychic reading. They always tell me how it has a way of rubbing off on them. I love hearing this! I know I have the gift to heal energetically.

Do you experience a sense of lack in your life, or the presence of negative energy, or maybe you recently experienced the loss of a loved one? If there is anything that you may be dealing with that is causing dis-ease in your life, then this series of blogs are just what you need. I invite you to take my Heaven On Earth Solitude Challenge. Try it for the next week or so, or until my next blog in this series, about the benefits of solitude, gets posted. You can then, at that time, compare some of the benefits you gained in your own life with those that I have experienced in mine. Continue reading

Turn The Mutterflies Into Butterflies!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe so often forget to use our imagination for good things and good thoughts. Instead we bog ourselves down with those constant negative what-if’s. We get a case of the ‘mutterflies’ because our tummies, our core, is in literal crisis with all the stress we load upon our minds, our bodies and our spirit.

This is my call to you, dear reader, to turn those mutterflies into butterflies!

Do you even remember what it is like to have a feeling of excitement, of anticipation, of hope? When I was a kid we described it as having “butterflies in the tummy”. We knew something good was going to happen and we were just so excited. So hopeful. So enthusiastic. Continue reading

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