Let Spirit Put Ego In Its Place
I recently had a conversation with a lovely, learned lady who was quite beside herself, because her husband of ten years simply got up and walked out on her… with no explanation whatsoever! She was understandably beside herself with shock and grief. I asked her what kind of relationship she felt they had and she assured me it was a very loving one. I find it almost impossible to believe that a loving, caring partner would all of a sudden just turn his back with all they had shared together and walk out the door, in what appeared to be a cold and callous man.
I then asked her why she felt they had such a good situation between them and she said it was because she loved him so much. She did all she could to keep him happy and satisfied. Well, now we were obviously getting somewhere. On further probing I found this man had been emotionally detached, and certainly oblivious to her needs. How can this, by any definition, be a warm and loving relationship?
Her ego most assuredly suffered a blow, but I do wonder where spirit was in all of this. It would make no sense to me if spirit accepted such a one-sided relationship that was completely devoid of any care or kindness.
My suspicion is that she had convinced herself that this ‘relationship’ had to maintain itself, or she would not be an ‘acceptable’ woman if she did not have a prominent male in her life, even under these trying conditions. There we go, when ego runs the show a myriad of pains can certainly appear on the horizon! Continue reading
Turbocharge Your Manifesting Ability
Feel like your life is well overdue for an upgrade? You are not alone! There was probably a time when that job promotion, new home, new relationship, or whatever else had you motivated and excited, turbocharged your manifestation abilities. And things happened for you.
Sadly, however, dreams can fade and novelties wear off, thus resulting in us having limited expectations, and therefore less cosmic pulling power! The good news, however, is that there is a lot we can do about it. Spirit teaches that we need to pay regular attention to our dreams to help them manifest.
Furthermore, we are where we find ourselves today due to decisions we have made in the past, which may or may not have appeared significant when making them. For example, we make habitual decisions about the drink and food we consume, the invitations we accept and extend, the exercises we do (or don’t do) and the friends and relationships we have, or otherwise. These choices, which may have seemed somewhat insignificant at the time, have since resulted in us living with certain challenges, jobs and careers, friendships and relationships. These are all manifestations which we would not have had otherwise, for better or worse. In essence, every decision we make leaves an imprint in our life history, so we have to be incredibly clear as to what we want to arrive at a positive destination. Consider the following steps to help you manifest an even happier life.
The Importance Of Remaining Focused
From the very start of working in the psychic field, my spirit guides taught me that if we are positive, proactive and focused, the Universe will deliver! As true as I have found this to be, it can, I have to admit, be somewhat easier said than done.
We are now well into 2018 and how many of us, including myself, have stuck to those New Year’s resolutions – whatever they may have been? Did the kids catch a cold and need additional care as a result, or maybe the car broke down or the demands of work get in the way of things? Yes, life certainly happens, and when it does, it is so easy to become unfocused.
However, if what we focus on is what we get, how do we remain focused when the demands of life get in the way of things? Consider the following: Continue reading
Being A Cusp Capricorn
I was born amid a snowstorm, in an age where there were no cell phones, nor color television. In fact, we only had a handful of channels on television, if you were lucky enough to own one. In those days vehicles were V-8 engines and did not have seatbelts. Life was so simple.
In the Summer we played outside, and in the Winter we played outside. If we played a game on a rainy day, it was a board game such as monopoly or checkers, or we colored and dreamed of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Most boys wanted to be a policeman, or a fireman. Those were not even an option if you were a girl. You could be a wife, a mother, a bookkeeper, a secretary or a teller at a bank. Options for women were very limited.
I don’t know how many times I was told I could not do something with the explanation, “Because you’re a girl!” This broke my spirit for a long, long time. I wanted to play baseball and hockey. “No, sorry, that’s for boys only. You can draw or paint, or cook.” Continue reading
Our Lives Between Lives
We have all had countless past lives, whether we know it or not. Our souls are continually reborn into a new body. And chances are we’ll remember bits and pieces of each past life, as we learn life lessons in each existence.
But what happens to us between each death and rebirth? Are we stuck in some sort of cosmic waiting room, just sitting there and wondering who we’ll become next? No one knows with absolute certainty, but many of those who have experienced near-death events report that reincarnation is very real.
The soul, our purest essence, is continually evolving, learning and taking valuable lessons from each existence, no matter how long we remain here on Earth. But the soul itself never dies. It exists outside of time and space and receives a new body after we pass from a previous life. Many spiritual traditions in the world agree upon this basic idea. Continue reading
When Your Love Fantasy Overshadows Reality
Relationships flourish when they are put in the proper climate for growth. When it comes to intimate and romantic relationships it is integral for our own personal growth to recognize what we want and expect within the situation. Boundaries are a powerful way to cultivate the experiences that are more meaningful in our relationships.
Often when I am reading for a person that is having consistent challenges, Spirit will identify similar challenges within the situation. This is not universal, because challenges can stem from many sources. However, I would like to identify some consistent messages that do come up related to relationships.
One issue that comes up quite often is a focus on fantasy rather than reality. This is not to say that fantasy is bad, but when an individual expends a lot of their time and energy fantasizing about how a situation will evolve, they can potentially fall in love with the fantasy instead of the reality. Continue reading