March 2019 Astrology Forecast
March is set to be an intense month that will challenge us to take another look at what is, and what is not working on our lives.
Mercury, the planet of communication is going retrograde today until March 28th. This transit will encourage us to do some spring cleaning and teach us to take our time making big decisions. In addition, large purchases, signing contracts and starting a relationship should be avoided until the second week of April.
Venus will be in Aquarius most of March. Expect friends and lovers to be more cool and detached than usual. Aquarius isn’t the most romantic sign, so anticipate acts of kindness instead of romance until Venus enters Pisces on March 26th.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th will bring forth creative energy, but beware of self-destructive people or behaviors that hurt more than they help. Your physical energy may be low this week, but should pick up shortly after when the Moon enters Aries.
Uranus goes back into Taurus on March 6th and puts a focus on what we are building and our resources. Revolutions in finance, farming and nature are to be expected out of this cycle worldwide.
Traits Of Your Leo Child
A child born between July 23rd and August 22nd is a Leo. Leos are the sign of the actor. Yes, they are very dramatic! They can make you laugh with their animated expressions and dramatic response to your every word.
But Leo children also have tempers. They can be very explosive, crying, even screaming, when they don’t get what they want. Fortunately, they can then turn around in a second and begin laughing and playing again. They tend to get over things quickly. Leo children are generally happy. They smile all of the time, except for when they are having those explosive tantrums.
Leo kids are very physical and athletic. They are often found outside climbing trees, playing ball, or running around. Leos are also one of the hardest signs to get to sleep. They are fire balls of energy and they are so excited about life, they don’t want to sleep and miss out on any fun. Keeping them in sports and performing arts will help them burn off their tremendous amount of excess energy and stay focused in school.
Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
I believe that my own tendency to compare myself with others began at a young age, when my mother would constantly compare me to my cousins. For example, she would talk affectionately about their lovely physical attributes, like their thick hair, high cheekbones or deep-set eyes. Their personalities were louder and more assertive than mine too.
I was an overweight kid, and the more withdrawn I became, the more I would eat. I felt that my overweight was seen by others as greed, but I now believe I was layering deep insecure feelings.
I now know too that I was not meant to be like my cousins. In hindsight, I thank my mother for the life lessons. Perhaps she helped me in learning about insecurity and experiencing an inferiority complex. Today, I have a much deeper understanding of how my clients feel, when they don’t feel good enough. Or, as is often the case, when they are concerned about their children not feeling good enough for whatever reason. This is not always due to faulty parenting. Parents often suffer terribly when they see their kids, whatever their ages, suffer from lack of self-esteem. They see their kids as having every reason to be super-confident, yet witness them withdrawn and unhappy.
The True Purpose Of Life
It is often said that the purpose of our existence is love. This is in part true, we are constantly evolving into a greater understanding of love. But this is really only half of the answer. The purpose of life is also the experience. The point of it all is to have interactions.
Yes, it is true that each of us has incarnated with a specific purpose for being here. Ultimately the purpose of life is to recognize our most authentic expression of what it means to be us, and then cultivate the freedom to express that authentic self. Love most certainly facilitates this process, but you could say a better explanation of the meaning of life is the experience itself.
We all incarnated on this planet from perfect love, and will return to perfect love. Within the realm of spirit we are all one. In fact, we are all one at this very moment. However, in the time-space paradigm, it is easy to lose touch with this Oneness of Spirit.
Each soul living on this planet has an innate desire to cultivate unique creative expression. Whether that creative expression is writing, musical expressions, serving others, cultivating human ties, and so on. Most of us incarnated with the specific intent to accomplish multiple ‘purposes.’ And so we go through life having a multitude of different kinds of experiences. Continue reading
Take This Full Moon To Heart
Another full moon is upon us today. Every full moon has a pull on your energy, and it can be a positive pull or a negative pull. Full moons simply enhance the emotions you are having at the time. If you are in a ‘funk,’ it is going to make it feel as if your world is falling apart. If you are in a good space, it will make things seem much brighter.
It is important to be more self-aware during a full moon. What is your mood at this time? Where are you emotionally? Are you following a good path for your highest good, or are you sitting in sadness?
Your emotions are so important and if you wish to change the direction that you are being pulled, you have to change the inner you. You have to look in the mirror and say, “There is one amazing soul looking back at me and I am ready to embrace her with unconditional love.” Continue reading