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automatic writing

Automatic Spirit Writing

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany mediums and psychics make us of some form of automatic writing or psychography. Automatic writing is a form of channeling that helps psychics, mediums and healers to step outside of themselves and disconnect from their own feeling and thinking patterns, and receive spiritual messages.

I believe that all great works of music, complete books, and other forms of art, are all inspired by spirit in a similar way. Yes, not only do we receive answers to pressing questions, or receive spiritual insights through some form of channeling, but also significant art works, or even poetry come to us in this way.

Originally automatic writing was done using a planchette with a pencil and two wheels. The text a planchette produces can be tricky to decipher, and so a pen or pencil and paper became the preferred method. Spiritual practice always seems to keep up with technology and these days spirit writing using a computer keyboard has become equally popular! Continue reading

Connecting With Loved Ones Through Meditation

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen we become silent within, we can enter into an alpha state that takes us into a deep meditative state. We don’t force thoughts out so much as just allow them to come and go. In this altered state of consciousness we connect with a higher frequency, one of complete bliss and sense of spiritual connection.

If we set an intention, while going into such a meditative state, we can have a ‘line in the water’ to connect with our loved ones who have crossed over. I have helped many clients connect with their loved ones after their passing. I often share with them some simple things they can do to open the door for an opportunity for their loved ones to come through. Continue reading

Connect With Your Passion

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have all read those inspiring quotes about finding your passion, and living your best life doing what you love. It is however sometimes not that easy for all of us to really know what we are meant to do. This is where psychic readings can be useful. An intuitive can often tell right away what a person would be good at or what would make them happy.

Life can become cluttered with negative emotions, such as worry, tension, fear, depression and anxiety. Sometimes it can be chemical, something hormonal, and sometimes it can be because we are going against the grain and stuck in lives we dislike and jobs we don’t enjoy. It creates dis-ease and makes us feel like our life is a cup half – void of joy.

One way to find your passion is to write down the things you enjoy. What makes you happy? What makes you feel like your vibration is heightened? What resonates with you in this world? Really think about what you would love to do to help people, because that could reveal your life meaning, joy, and purpose. Continue reading

Spirit Guides Communicate In Many Different Ways

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comDo you feel that your guides are helping you to connect with your soul or higher self on a daily basis? If not, it is most likely because you are not asking. Our spirit guides do not come to our aid without being requested. We must pray and ask for messages or signs.

Spirit guides communicate with us in many different ways. They speak to us through our intuitions, our senses, our dreams, as well as during readings and channelings, and through signs. All things in the Universe are capable of serving as a communication from Spirit Guides. To gain access we must simply believe and become more aware. Continue reading

Keep Calm And Blog On!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings now for many, many moons. A favorite piece of advice I have been sharing with my clients over the years is to write stuff down when you are stressed. Just get it on paper, in any way, shape or form that you can!

When you feel depressed, distressed, angry or anxious, simply grab a pen or pencil and express how you feel. Write a letter, or some poetry, post your thoughts on the Facebook, or even blog about it. Expressing feelings in written words can be a huge relief and allows you to get them out of your system and release toxic emotions.

When you write how you feel, you are also letting it go. Many clients have expressed to me that they actually feel lighter and less stressed or anxious after writing a note to God or a short poem. Continue reading

The Haunted Typewriter

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was growing up my mother had a typewriter that had been in the family for a long time. I never knew much about its history.

One day I was invited to a family reunion at my aunt and uncle’s house. After my mother had passed away I never had much contact with them. We sat around and talked about my mother being a psychic and how she experienced many paranormal stuff as a child. My aunt took out a family photo album she had shown me before and in one of the pictures there was a picture of an old, black typewriter. She told me that it was a 1920’s Royal typewriter and that my grandfather received it as payment for working on someone house. The homeowners didn’t have the money to pay him for his services. Continue reading

Ectoplasm The Basis Of Spirit Manifestation

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEctoplasm is an outer layer of protoplasm; one could say it is an etherealized protoplasm. Protoplasm is the basis of all plant and animal life.

Physical mediumship requires either a superabundance of one of the chemicals contained in protoplasm, or the addition of an unknown chemical built up by spirit power. This substance in its many forms is used as the basis of all physical spirit manifestation.

It forms the body and clothing of a materialized spirit. It is also used in telekinesis and automatic writing. In fact, even the tiniest of spirit raps cannot be produced without the aid of a physical body from which is drawn the necessary ectoplasm.

Spirits, without the use of a material instrument, are powerless to produce a sound or anything that comes into the range of our five physical senses, for they live in a higher range of vibration of which we are unconscious. To produce any form of sound they need ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is the key to how spiritual entities manifest once again in a body that can be seen and even, sometimes, touched. Continue reading

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