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aura scan

Ways To Protect Your Energy Field

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLightworkers who do energy healing, psychic readings or mediumship need to energetically clear out their work space and energy field or aura, before and after helping people. Psychic protection prevents our energy from being drained or interfered with, both in our personal and professional lives.

However, the need for psychic protection and energy clearing actually applies to everybody. This is especially true for those who are prone to picking up vibes and emotions from others. If we don’t shield and protect our own energy field, we can become drained, exhausted, ‘feeling dirty,’ or simply upset and angry. Continue reading

Born To Be Psychic

Visit PsychicAccess.comWhat is it like to be born a psychic? The easy thing to say, that most will indeed say, is that it is both a gift and a curse. But that is such a broad statement. Personally, I have always loved being psychic.

I remember being three years old, when I knew that I saw and heard things which were not there. I would look at people and I would know things. I would know how they felt, in all senses of the word, and I would see colors around them, which told me how they were feeling physically.

I did not know what this was at the time. I just knew that when I saw a person with a certain color around them it meant they were feeling a certain way. I would try my best to avoid being around people that made me feel what they were feeling. But as an empath, I could not prevent these experiences. Continue reading

Using Stones To Heal – The A’s (Part 1)

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAbalone

Although abalone is not a crystal, abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings. Abalone used as a bowl for sage and clearing can help to intensify the release of negative energy in a house or office. Abalone can calm emotions and bring a “watery” serene feeling to one’s energy or to a situation. Abalone brings the element and energy of the sea into any home it is displayed in. Water is healing, cleansing, mystical and sharpens intuition. Wearing abalone can help with developing psychic visions and intuition. Wearing abalone will also bring a sense of peace and calm to the person wearing it.


This stone represents prosperity – not just financial prosperity, but also emotional, career and family life prosperity. Hang this stone over a door in your home or office to bring in new business. It is wonderful for entrepreneurs and people working in sales. This stone is important to have when starting a new business, job or financial venture. If you are going to ask for a raise, this stone will be great for meditation. This stone can help to release negative energy and is great for anyone in the arts as it facilitates creative expression. Continue reading

Drama, Chaos, Anger, Oh My!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have known too many friends, relatives, family members and clients who have suffered needlessly because of disease (dis-ease) and many different health ailments, all because they couldn’t get away from negative people and situations. I have read for numerous clients that have called asking about relationships only to have the reading turn into a health reading for themselves, and my clients being completely freaked out that I could tell they were having the issues they were having without them even mentioning it to me.

I can tell right away by the sound of their voice the energy around them, as I can close my eyes and see their aura even from a distance on the phone. I can tell if there is someone around them emanating angry, negative tension which seems to cause a lot of health issues – from thyroid disorders to acid imbalances in the body. I want you to know that you don’t have to stay in unhealthy relationships, or be around psychic vampires and toxic people that are not good for your health. Continue reading

My Experience With Aura Chakra Resonanz Imaging

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe first time I had an aura and chakra scan done, I caused quite a bit of bewilderment for the practitioner.

My wife and I went to a psychic convention in downtown Columbus, Ohio, where they had several booths and stalls set-up offering a variety of metaphysical services and products. It is here that I had the opportunity to try out the Aura Chakra Resonanz Imaging system. This computerized system uses biofeedback sensors to capture the emotional and energy states displayed by your chakras and aura. It basically takes a photo of the energetic colors present in your energy field. Continue reading

Successful Relationships Need Moments Of Solitude

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI can’t tell you how many times I get calls from clients asking me to see why they are having communication issues with their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. All kinds of miscommunication problems arise in love and romantic relationships, so I will go in and aim to pinpoint what it is that is causing them grief.

First, I always look to see if their other half is cheating. I also check to see if there is what I call a “love cord connection”, just to make sure there is soul growth to be had within the connection. I also see what issues they have to work on in this incarnation, because if there is a love cord connection odds are they have had many past lifetimes with the person. Continue reading

Have A Good Night! – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen I do readings I usually look at the aura of my client. I can tell right away if they are getting the proper amount of sleep, because I can see if they have enough energy, or not. I believe that adequate sleep is not only vital for our physical and psychological health, but it is fundamental to our psychic awareness and our spiritual well-being and development.

Lack of energy is sometimes due to poor diet or people around them draining them, also known as energy vampires. But it is more often a case of people getting less than their fair share of sleep every night. This can have a negative domino effect on a person’s energy levels, and in turn create some health issues. Continue reading

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