Cleansing Your Energy With Sage
To cleanse using the smoke of burning sage is an ancient Native American healing art, also known as smudging, which is designed to help clear negative energy. It can be used in your home, office, car, and also on your own energy.
If you are feeling depressed, angry, frustrated or even having trouble sleeping, smudging with sage can help you clear your negative thoughts and start anew. To sage yourself, buy organic sage. Place the sage in a bowl or an abalone shell (my preference because of the ocean energy it brings). Using a match or lighter, light the sage. It will briefly produce a flame and then it will just smolder and smoke.
Using your hands, pull the smoke into your face and upper chest area, over and over. While doing this, think about what you want to clear. Be specific and detailed. Then think about what you want to bring into your energy: peace, calm, love, positivity, hope, guidance, kindness, self-love, self-acceptance, vitality, youthfulness, energy, patience. It is helpful to take a shower afterwards, to cleanse all of the vibrations you just released off of your body and energy. Continue reading
I’m A Perfect Five On A Scale Of One To Ten
I’m a perfect ‘five’ on a scale of one to ten… and I love it! When we learn to be a five, we’re relishing the right to be okay, yet not to have to be a perfect ten. We would all like to be absolutely perfect. Yet, no one is. We would like our heroes, our crushes, our partners to be ‘the one’ by fulfilling all our needs, but we forget that in order for that to be, we too have to be a perfect ‘ten.’ Still, and perhaps, sadly, no one is.
The worst part is, when our beloved tries to change, we often doubt them. We wonder why he said this, or why he didn’t do that, because he always did before! We shouldn’t ask for changes if we don’t really want them. Changes hurt, just as pulling the splinter out sometimes hurts. It causes us to bleed, but in order to heal, the splinter has to come out. Continue reading
Restlessness Is A Spiritual Growth Opportunity
When I was a teenager, one of my more ‘vocal’ cousins said to me, “You don’t seem to stay in one place for very long… just five minutes and, poof, you’re off again!”
At that time of my life I could put this down to my musician father’s wanderlust. He was a Sagittarius, and we not only often moved towns and countries, but frequently continents too. Such an unsettling way of life is usually not ideal for a Cancer like myself, but I seem to have inherited my father’s restless genes.
Today, my husband and I are in a tranquil setting since our international relocation over two years ago from a more volatile environment. Still, the restlessness persists. My menagerie of pets – five dogs and three cats – at least keep me relatively at peace.
I do know that actions provoked by restlessness can involve inevitable stresses, as was the case with our most recent big move. Unlike the days when I was still doing things solo, or when I was still living with my parents, this time I had the many pets to consider. Their well-being moving from one continent to another was one of the biggest stresses I have ever experienced. Continue reading
Past Lives With Dolphins
Whilst clearing out some papers yesterday, I came across a magazine containing an fascinating article on dolphins, which literally jumped out at me. I had only just been thinking about my framed dolphin pictures, dolphin ornaments, and other dolphin memorabilia – all packed away until we get a bigger home, there isn’t anywhere to display them.
According to the magazine article dolphins were worshiped in ancient Greece. The temple at Delphi was actually dedicated to a Dolphin God. Recently we have been rediscovering that dolphins are sentient souls with large, evolved brains. Although they cannot speak as such, they really do communicate. Continue reading
Soul Rescue Versus Soul Retrieval
Sometimes soul rescue and soul retrieval are intertwined as being the same thing. There is a subtle, but key difference in my view.
In the case of soul retrieval we are finding an aspect of self and returning it back. Soul rescue refers to being of service to a spirit or soul that is temporarily lost, or needs guidance to continue its journey in non-ordinary reality, in the realm of Spirit, having left the physical plane.
In the shamanic community there is a technique known as soul retrieval which represents the fragmented self. The fragmented self is a part of us that becomes temporarily ‘disconnected’ from our etheric soul, from the context of associative memories of a time in our life. Continue reading