Animal Spirits
Earlier this year my cat, Tigger, passed away after reaching the advanced age of 21. I had Tigger in my life since 1993 and he was more than a pet. He was like my son who was always there when I came home from work.
In the month leading up to his death I kept seeing his spirit leaving his body. What was weird is that I also kept seeing shadows of two cats that looked a lot like him.
Over the years I have seen several animal spirits of family pets that I grew up with. In these moments I could sometimes also hear different family members calling for the animals by name. I heard my parents call my childhood animals, and I even heard my grandparents, aunts and uncles who had passed away. Continue reading
Need Help? Just Ask Your Spirit Guides!
Talking to your Spirit Guide is an exciting and powerful privilege you have available to you each day and night. Anytime. Yet, we neglect doing so for many reasons.
Some don’t believe they have spirit guides, while others feel they would be burdening them. Some just are too busy and don’t want to carve out the time, or feel they have to do something special in order to connect, like having to light candles, or use a psychic divination tool of some kind.
None of this is true.
All you have to do to connect with your guides is to find a quiet place, quiet your mind and then telepathically communicate. You can speak to your guides just in your mind, or out loud using your voice. It is as casual as talking to a friend. Continue reading
Understanding Psychic Readings – The Clair Senses
The most commonly known and used ‘clair sense’ in psychic and spiritual circles is clairvoyance. This particular gift is very common in individuals that have a specific soul mission to use their psychic gift predominately for readings. It has even become a universal term that often includes the other clair gifts.
The term “clairvoyant” comes from the French clair, meaning clear (from the Latin clarus), and voyant, the present participle of voir, meaning to see (from the Latin videre)*.
The clairvoyant is able to see beyond what can be seen by the physical eye and interpret vibrational realities that are non-physical, or have not yet manifested on the physical plane. Continue reading
Keep Animal Communication Simple
Its early evening, and as I glance over my pets relaxing, it brings to mind the importance of keeping things simple. Only a couple of months ago we were in the process of moving continents and I was the one getting all uptight about how the animals would travel by road and air and road again.
I have studied and applied animal telepathy, and thought I would use learned techniques for the big move. But with so much to do before the change of country and selling up, I wondered whether I was really reaching my pets on that subliminal level. Continue reading