Intuition, Psychic Ability And Mediumship
Throughout time mankind has explored the ability to communicate with the gods, with nature, or with each other on a non-verbal level. It is extremely common for us to use the term intuitive. these days. It is often the explanation given by many an entrepreneur or successful decision-maker: “I just trusted my gut,” or “What I love about Mary is she is just so intuitive and makes the right decisions.”
The term psychic on the other hand, although nowadays often well known within a household, conjures up for so many outside the metaphysical community feelings of distrust, fake, absurd, not possible. Perhaps these attributes are attached because of our personal belief system that does not value or agree with the skill set. This also can impact our personal relationships if we know it is real and others judge us since we may then hide our abilities as being psychic and connected with the unseen realm or worse shut down and not continue developing them. Continue reading
Spring Blessings Of Change
We have officially entered Springtime and the winds of change are blowing in. Along with change comes new beginnings, and with new beginnings comes excitement, trepidation, and often times fear. We may be thinking about the many potential opportunities a new beginning brings, but, also may worry about any challenges or obstacles the future may hold.
During the winter months you spent time going within, both physically from the colder weather, and spiritually, to connect with your soul. Without even knowing, you instinctively entered the cave of your inner guru to get quiet so that you could nurture and cultivate something very precious inside of you that is about to be birthed this Spring. Continue reading
Psychic Attack A Wake-Up Call
I recently found myself experiencing the most intense, hectic dreams and unusual symptoms. I became very concerned about what was going on. Physically, I was feeling awful, although I had no underlying health condition. I was experiencing headaches, and literally felt as if I had been beaten up. Any kind of concentration eluded me, but I did manage to do a reading for myself.
I don’t generally read for myself, for fear of reading too much into a situation. However, this reading revealed to me that I had been under psychic attack for several days!
It didn’t really matter to me from where such an attack might be coming from. It was also not important to me that such negativity ultimately will return to the sender with a vengeance. I just wanted to clear it. My only concern was to immediately restore powerful psychic protection around me, and to be sure that I never again forget to maintain regular psychic protection for myself. Continue reading
Who Is Your Soul Family?
When we hear the term ‘soulmate,’ we usually think of romance. But did you know you have an entire soul family here on Earth? Who are these people, and how do we find them?
Your soul family are those people you’ve probably known over many lifetimes, and whose auras and experiences are similar to your own. When you meet one, you may find yourself drawn to him or her, even if there are differences in background, age, or culture.
As with all good friends, a soul family member will instinctively understand and support you. When you meet for the first time, you might have a conversation that lasts for hours. And you’ll always be happy to see them, even on your worst days. It’s almost like being in love, but purely platonic…though you might wish you could marry the person, even when they’re not your preferred romantic gender. Continue reading
Gracious Silence Protects You From A Lack Of Grace
God gives us moments in life where we are called to rise up, and be and do certain things we would otherwise not do spontaneously or willingly. Yet, we go and do out of obligation, to avoid negative repercussions, negative feedback from family, or just all around negative domino effects in some way, shape or form.
My fellow intuitive will know what I’m talking about here. It’s that feeling that comes to us to warn us, to tap us on the shoulder to say something like, “Hey, be careful, your going to need to set up a psychic shield. Negative energy is afoot!” It’s that inner knowing. Continue reading