Astrology Forecast May 23 – 29, 2022
The Moon will travel through Pisces today and tomorrow, making it difficult to get anything tangible done, so if you find yourself fighting windmills and nothing seems to move, just bide your time until Wednesday.
Today and tomorrow’s Gemini Sun sextile Jupiter in Aries is an ideal aspect to ensure our week gets off to a fantastic start with a sense of vigor and vitality, and heightened success and luck in professional and social matters. The Pisces Moon sextile Uranus in Taurus this afternoon will further enhance these energies by increasing our levels of attention, determination and persuasiveness and our ability to be inventive.
Mars and Venus make sign changes this week, both moving into signs they rule, Aries and Taurus respectively.
Mars will move into Aries tomorrow, pulling out of ethereal Pisces and into high energy and action mode. For the next six weeks, we’ll have the power to make things happen! This assertive planet and creative sign combination will allow us to move confidently into new adventures and enterprises.
Venus will move into Taurus on Saturday, casting a more comfortable and joyful tone around our movements and perspectives for the next four weeks.
Once the Moon goes into Aries on Wednesday and Thursday and then moves into Taurus Friday and Saturday, we’ll be able to accomplish twice what’s on our lists and experience tangible progress.
Sunday’s Gemini Moon will bring out our social sides, whether we’re immersed in social media activities or out meeting friends for a long-overdue visit.
The Transformative Power Of The Moon
Does your energy change for better or worse when there is a Full Moon? Every person has some notion of what a Full Moon means to them.
When the Moon is full, it has an energy pull and charging capability that is unlike the new or quarter moons. During a Full Moon, I usually find it difficult to sleep – no matter how hard I try. The energetic pull is powerful. This is when my mind is most active.
A Full Moon is in fact the best time to open yourself to receive healing or spirit messages, to recharge your energy, or set intentions for manifestation to transform your life for the better. Crystals can also be put out under the Full Moon to charge them up and bring new life to them.
The Full Moon is a time to breathe in the good, release what does not serve you, and allow the Moon’s energy to take lighten your worries and lessen your burdens. A simple clearing ceremony becomes ‘super-charged’ under a Full Moon. Write down what does not serve you: your hurts, your disappointments, your anger and so on. Then burn this list outside, under the Full Moon, while asking the Universe, Source, God, Spirit, the Divine to cleanse the energy from your being.
I live close to a lake and when the Moon is full, no matter what time of year, it reflects off the lake in its various hues and colors. I always take a walk to the lake to allow this energy to feed my soul. It uplifts my spirit and makes me smile. Gazing at the beauty of the Full Moon brings new energy to you if you do it properly.
The next time there is a Full Moon, venture outdoors, look up and contemplate her beauty and power. Ask yourself, how do you feel standing there under the Full Moon? Ask yourself what you want to accomplish or change in your life? You need not do anything further. The manifesting and healing powers of the Moon will carry your intentions forward.
Moon Transits In Your Daily Spiritual Practice
There are many additional ways to apply Astrology in a spiritual lifestyle beyond the customary horoscopes and birth charts. For example, following the lunar transits is one of my favorite methods for working on my personal growth and spiritual development.
The Moon is the fastest transiting planet of the Zodiac, as it moves into a different sign every two and a half days. The Moon’s monthly journey through the constellations, enables us to reflect on the qualities and pertinence in our charts of each of the twelve zodiac signs.
How does one use the energies of lunar transits as a guide for personal and spiritual growth? In my work as a professional astrologer and psychic reader, I have found the following aspects useful:
Natal Chart
Do you have a strong natal Moon? How is it aspected? Have you struggled with any emotional issues in your lifetime? A Natal Moon with a lot of squares and oppositions can predict issues such as emotional lability and impulse control. Gaining insight into one’s struggles through astrological interpretation can help a person find spiritual healing.
Also, consider the transiting Moon’s current aspects with your natal chart. Is the Moon, for example, in a conjunction with your natal Mars? This aspect may create an emotional need to connect with your inner warrior on that particular day. Or perhaps the Moon is transiting your midheaven sign today, which is the highest point at the top of your chart that says, “I’m here!” to the world.
Astrology Forecast May 9 – 15, 2022
Two major astrological events mark this week as a time of transition. The first is Mercury turning retrograde in Gemini on Tuesday, and the second a Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Sunday.
It’s important to focus on preparation for these two events under tomorrow’s Virgo Moon. For example, backing up your computer, saving your passwords, updating your phone’s software, and so on, is crucial, as all aspects of communication may be affected this week by Mercury going retrograde.
On a different note, if you are prone to easily feeling down, or even depressed on a Monday morning, then the Leo Moon opposition with Saturn in Aquarius may affect you negatively this morning. This could manifest as feelings of dissatisfaction, melancholy, self-pity or simple moodiness.
Vital details not only have a way of slipping through the cracks during a Mercury Retrograde, but is even more likely under a Libra Moon. So take lots of notes in meetings and keep records of everything on Wednesday, and review and rebalance on Thursday and Friday as the Moon moves through Libra.
The weekend could toss a few unexpected changes our way with the Moon moving through Scorpio and culminating in a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is the second eclipse in a two-week time period, the first having occurred on April 30th. It sets the tone and focus for the next six months. We will experience deeper spiritual awareness and establish more balance between the material and mystical world, making it easier to approach all aspects of our life with increased wholeness and confidence.
Eye Gazing As A Spiritual Practice
Eye gazing is a powerful, ancient practice in which two people engage in a shared meditation practice during which eye contact is maintained for an extended period of time. Eye gazing is usually done for about ten minutes at a time, although it can certainly be any duration preferred.
Eye gazing can be used to access past life information, promote healing, connect to your higher self, guides, or angels, and almost anything else you can imagine. The eyes are the windows to our soul, and our soul is the singularity that connects us to everything else: the Universe, Source, God, the Divine. Eye gazing is also a profound manifesting tool we can use to further develop our ‘spiritual muscles,’ so to speak.
Before you include eye gazing in your spiritual practice, I recommend you read my previous blog on the essentials of eye gazing. Once you are more familiar with the basics, you can also apply the following guidelines to your eye gazing practice.
To use eye gazing for a specific purpose, you must set a clear intention beforehand, and then hold that intention throughout the gaze. You hold an intention by simply keeping a gentle awareness in the back of your mind that what you are seeing during the gaze is relevant to your intention, and trusting that whatever comes forward is always relevant.
It’s important not to simultaneously hold any expectations about what you’re going to see, or to resist anything that comes up spontaneously, just because you don’t immediately see its relevance or connection to your intention. Keep an open mind and be flexible and accepting in the flow of your gazing experience.
If you’re gazing alone, sit comfortably in front of a mirror, take a few centering breaths, and then state your intention out loud. I prefer to speak aloud in my spiritual practice whenever possible, as words are energy forms and therefore add a ‘weight’ to our prayer requests, intentions, and affirmations. State your intention out loud and ask Spirit to provide insight around this intention. Use language that feels right for you.
Astrology Forecast May 2 – 8, 2022
Venus will move into fiery Aries today, kicking off a week of inspiration, assertive action, and heart-centered progress.
The Moon cruises through Gemini from today until Wednesday, inspiring us to gather, share and assimilate information at record speed. Conversations will be enlightening and fun as we ponder the possibilities and sort through details to discern fact from fiction.
Be careful to not let the energy of the Taurus Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn distract your focus this afternoon. This trine tends to make us intensely emotional and prone to restlessness and extreme actions.
This evening’s Taurus Moon sextile with Venus in Pisces is a perfect constellation for enhancing our love life and bringing renewed harmony to a committed relationship or marriage. If there has been conflicts or arguments between your and your beloved over the weekend, this evening will be the perfect time to kiss and make up! You may find your partner to be in a much more forgiving mood than expected.
The pace will slow on Thursday as the Moon moves into Cancer for a two-day visit, turning our attention to home, family, and security. With Mercury turning retrograde in a few days, this is the ideal time to update and back up computers, phones and other electronic devices.
With the Moon traveling through Leo over the weekend, we’ll be focused on social events, self-nurturing, and generosity. We may not get many chores done this weekend, but we’ll be gifting ourselves with light-hearted interactions and satisfying activities. Enjoy the smooth sailing vibes while you still can, before Mercury goes retrograde early next week.
Astrology Forecast April 25 – May 1, 2022
The major event in the heavens this week occurs on Saturday when the Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse sets the stage for a shift in focus, energy and direction over the next six months. This is the first of two eclipses in as many weeks, the next one occurring on May 16th. As we examine our lives for the next two weeks, we’ll be better prepared to make changes once the second eclipse occurs in May.
With an ethereal Pisces Moon overhead today and tomorrow, we should avoid making any hard and fast decisions, as information is cloudy and doubts tend to hold us back. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just the Universe protecting us from moving in the wrong direction!
This evening the Pisces Moon conjunction Mars in Pisces may cause us to be irritable and egotistic. Relationship tension and conflict is also more likely.
Clarity returns on Wednesday as the Moon charges into Aries and doubts fade away. We’ll be inspired to take action and more action, especially when Mercury moves into Gemini and Pluto turns retrograde on Friday.
Gemini is one of two signs Mercury rules (Virgo being the other one) and so our thoughts and mental prowess will pick up full power under this influence. Our thoughts may pop up faster than we can speak them as new ideas and inspirations bubble to the surface for the next few weeks.
Pluto’s shift to retrograde motion may be almost indiscernible, as it’s more a generational influencer than a personal planet. However, as it retrogrades for the next five months, we may see improvements in global concerns, such as climate change.