Astrology Forecast April 18 – 24, 2022
The Sun will move into Taurus tomorrow, turning our attention to our physical, material reality for the next four weeks. Taurus is an earth sign and it channels the Sun’s energy into tangible change, alerting us to where we need to ‘up our game’ in regard to health, finance and security. This is potentially a time of attainment, where after much effort, we will reach important goals. For example, graduating from high school or college, or finally purchasing a home or other big-ticket item.
The week starts off with a Scorpio Moon today, where things might seem a bit ethereal, but take heart, as once it moves into Sagittarius tomorrow, things will become much clearer.
This morning’s Aries Sun square Pluto in Capricorn can cause some tension and upheaval, leading us to be impulsive, argumentative and arrogant. This aspect creates a high risk energy for road rage and accidents, so if you commute to work drive carefully, keep calm, and be highly aware.
This afternoon the Scorpio Moon trine Jupiter in Pisces offers the potential for both social success and material gains, so put in some extra effort after lunch to get that deal or score that sale.
Thursday and Friday are the days to mark your calendar for productivity, as the Capricorn Moon can aid in any projects or work obligations you’ve been meaning to get to.
We’ll relax over the weekend under an Aquarius Moon, seeking out friends, family and new acquaintances to connect with and share fun times with.
Astrology Forecast April 4 – 10, 2022
Today’s Taurus Moon can go either way. It could instill a sense of peace and contentment, no matter what is going on around us, or it can lead us down a rabbit hole of frustration, conflict and drama. Starting the day off with a centered, calm and focused approach will be the key to a peaceful, happier Monday.
First of all, be careful to not pick a fight with your beloved this morning under the Taurus Moon square Mars in Aquarius, followed by a square with Saturn in Aquarius, as these two squares can cause a small disagreement or argument to escalate easily and quickly to full-blown drama and conflict – which is not the best way to start the new week!
By the time we get to the office today, the Mars in Aquarius conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius may be causing some frustration with its clash of total opposites. The driven impatience of Mars does not sit well with the measured, controlled timing of Saturn. If you are the impulsive, hasty type it may be best for you to count to ten…or even take a walk around the block to calm and center yourself.
Venus, the planet that rules Taurus as well as Libra, will move into the spiritually-focused sign of Pisces tomorrow, taking us on a journey to explore our truest passions and desires over the next four weeks. We will generally be more loving, kind and compassionate in the coming weeks.
Wednesday’s Gemini Moon promotes romance as well as partnerships of all kinds, as we long to communicate our deepest thoughts and feelings to others.
The rest of the week unfolds under a Cancer Moon through Saturday, drawing us to daydream, fantasize and imagine our futures from the comfort of our armchairs, exploring the possibilities that lie ahead.
The Moon will dance into Leo on Sunday, and combined with Mercury’s move into Taurus, inspire us to take action on those creative ideas we’ve been having. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, is famous for taking our thoughts to the next level when it travels through the sign of Taurus, which it will for the next two and a half weeks.
Astrology Forecast March 28 – April 3, 2022
Whatever you decide you need to attend to this week, take care with your back and lift from the knees. Expect the unexpected as the Moon travels through Aquarius today. To get through the day most effectively, avoid making any set-in-stone plans and let the Universe direct traffic instead.
The Aquarius Moon conjunction Saturn in Aquarius this morning can also cause malaise, dissatisfaction, and even depression. If you are married or dating someone, try to avoid conflict today.
Venus in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius this afternoon may further cause us to be overly serious and lack a sense of humor. Issues in love and marriage are even more likely, so make a conscious effort to keep the peace with your beloved today.
If you are single, remind yourself that the sense of isolation or loneliness you are feeling is temporary. Try not to let it linger for too long, as it might be worsened by a hypersensitive mood on Wednesday with the Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces .
We’ll will not be very driven and focused under tomorrow and Wednesday’s Pisces Moon, tending more towards daydreaming or fantasizing than getting any work done. But don’t be too hard on yourself, as the Moon will move into assertive Aries on Thursday and reach New Moon status on Friday. This will instill us with more energy and drive than we have had all week!
The weekend is the perfect time for spring cleaning, turning over the earth to start your spring garden, or gathering objects for a future garage sale, as the Taurus Moon encourages physical movement and efforts that show tangible progress once you’re done.
And They Call It Puppy Love
Many supernatural events occur at my home. When you actively work with the Divine on a daily basis, you can’t help but be plugged into energy that is wondrous at times. Also, my intentions are always set for positive, high vibrational energy to come in, so I don’t worry about the other kind.
When my daughter visits, the wattage is amped up to even higher levels, as she is quite a spiritually gifted creature herself! Recently, before she came home she experienced a vivid dream involving our new puppy – an adorable black, white, and brown King Charles Cavalier. He was due to arrive in a few days.
In the dream, the new puppy was happy to meet her, affectionately licking her face. She then named him ‘Admiral Halsey,’ after the delightful song Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey by Paul and Linda McCartney. What a perfect name for a pet, I thought.
But I had not mentioned any of this to my husband, as he was away at the time, visiting his mom. We lost our beloved family dog, Oliver, nearly a year ago from cancer, and my husband made it clear he didn’t want to go through anymore dog tragedies. He was adamant about not getting another dog, and there was no changing his mind on the matter.
The grief I felt for Oliver was immense; the tears I cried could have easily flooded the Nile! I will never stop missing him and I longed for a dog in our home. The desire kept on growing, until the burning need became so great, it compelled me to cast a horary astrology question to find out if I would ever be getting another dog, or not. Horary astrology is an ancient divination technique in which one casts a horoscope to answer a current question or address a burning issue in the here and now.
I was not expecting a positive outcome for the horary chart, and so you can only imagine my great surprise and utter euphoria when it very definitively showed that not only would I be getting another dog, but he was going to be arriving very soon!
Astrology Forecast March 21 – 27, 2022
It’s time to refresh our perspective and create a plan of action as the season of spring begins (autumn in the southern hemisphere) and we experience a rebirth on all levels!
The week opens under a Scorpio Moon, which will give us an intense focus today and tomorrow, making this a good time to evaluate, reflect and restructure our plans for the future.
Beware the Scorpio Moon square Mars in Aquarius this morning, followed by an opposition to Uranus in Taurus. These two aspects may cause us to be impatient, moody, irritable and disagreeable.
Getting into an argument with your partner our spouse is more likely this morning, which may turn your day into a manic Monday, that may culminate in feeling depressed and miserable tonight under the Scorpio Moon square Saturn in Aquarius. Stay calm and grounded today, things will ease up by tomorrow!
A more light-hearted energy prevails on Wednesday and Thursday under the fair-minded and fun-loving Sagittarius Moon. Friday and Saturday’s Capricorn Moon indicates an ideal time to address financial and health issues, as we make a commitment to live more structured and nurturing lives.
Our thoughts will be inspired on Sunday as Mercury moves into the creative sign of Aries and the Moon dances into innovative and imaginative Aquarius!
All in all this week is a great start to the astrological new year, where we’ll get a third chance to dust off those resolutions and start taking actions that will move us closer to our ideals and dreams!
Combining Cartomancy With Pendulum Dowsing
Every psychic is different on how they do readings using divination tools. I like to challenge myself and push the envelope. I have developed my own divination method by combining the use of a regular deck of playing cards and a pendulum to do psychic readings.
A pendulum is a weighted object at the end of a string or chain and it can be used for both dowsing and divination. The ‘bob’ of the pendulum is usually a crystal, piece of metal or some other gemstone. Pendulums have different sizes and shapes and they come in many colors. I use a quartz crystal pendulum with a 12 inch chain. Divination with a pendulum can be done in many different ways, including using charts. You can even use a simple chart you draw on a normal sheet of paper.
The idea to use a pendulum and deck of cards at the same time came to me many years back, when I felt the need for a new psychic challenge. When I do psychic readings with playing cards, I find it helps to open up my psychic abilities even more.
You may wonder how anyone can use an ordinary deck of playing cards, instead of the Tarot or oracle cards, to do readings. Well, I can feel the energy or ‘vibes’ better by using ordinary playing cards when I do a reading.
When I was younger I used to give readings to friends, and I discovered the cards give off a very strong energy for me. I am guided by spirit when I read, and when my psychic abilities kick in I feel a ‘heat’ or I feel my hand drawn to certain cards. I get an even more accurate result when I use a pendulum, instead of my hands.
Astrology Forecast March 14 – 20, 2022
We’ll be closing out this final week of the astrological year with some self-focus and organization, by bringing some things to completion and attending to things we’ve been neglecting over the past few months.
The Moon will cruise through Leo on today and tomorrow, reminding us to practice more generosity to others, as well as ourselves. This is a good cycle for forgiveness and preparing to release anything that holds us back, before Friday’s Virgo Full Moon.
It may be necessary to take a deep breath and count to ten this afternoon, as the Leo Moon square Uranus in Taurus can cause people to be irritable, stubborn, moody, and even act a little outrageous.
During this time, people can be eccentric, headstrong, fanatic, over-the-top, irritable. It will not be a good time for getting into arguments with your significant other, as it could cause damage to the future of your relationship. Stay centered and grounded, and keep calm.
Wednesday and Thursday’s energies are ideal for regrouping, organizing our lives, and eliminating clutter on a physical level, as the Moon moves through Virgo. We’ll also be reminded that while having high ideals to move us forward, we need to also be more gentle and understanding of ourselves and others.
Once the Moon peaks full on Friday, we’ll enter a phase of release during which we can truly let go of the past and the hold it has on us. We’ll also take a breather later in the day, as the Moon moves into Libra and spends the weekend calling for a return to balance.
On Sunday the astrological new year is upon us, as the Sun moves into Aries, calling for a fresh start and a creative approach to life over the next four weeks.