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We Must Believe In Order To Receive

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is a school of thought that science and the supernatural are at very opposite ends of the spectrum. Poles apart, so to speak. Nevertheless, there are other schools of thought who disagree with this, myself included. I firmly belief that the application of science, when done correctly, can help us to cosmically attract to ourselves that which we desire and truly deserve. For the purposes of this article, I shall use the subject of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) as an example.

NLP is a fascinating therapy designed to help people achieve their personal goals, be that weight loss, self-confidence, finding their true life path, or indeed any other desired outcome. This therapy was developed after a study of the work of three outstanding therapists in their particular fields of work. These therapists were Fritz Perls, who developed Gestalt Therapy; Virginia Satir, the pioneer of Family Therapy, and a hypnotherapist known as Milton Erickson. Continue reading

Time Waits For No One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was meditating deeply one afternoon wanting to connect with my spirit guide. I wanted to see if I there was anything that I needed to know, or anything that could help me be a better person. I then heard the words: “Time waits for no one.”

I had been putting various things off for a while in my life, but I sensed this message was not for me. Sometimes when I hear things I later find out that they were for someone else: a client, family member, or friend.

Later that day, I took a call on from one of my regulars who I often read for. She asked me if there was anything that she needed to know and I instantly knew the message about time and procrastination was for her, so I told her about what came through to me while I was meditating. She started crying. Continue reading

Intuition – The Unconscious Language Of The Soul

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comPrimitive man greatly relied on his intuition, because he thought in images and symbols, and listened to his ‘inner voice’ and trusted his ‘gut’. Early man fluently spoke the language of the intuitive mind, the language of his spiritual origins.

Man is born intuitive, because man is of spiritual origin. Intuition is the earthly language of Spirit and it transcends the limitations of this time-space dimension.

Some scientists argue that intuition is merely an aspect of our normal human intelligence developed out of primitive man’s animalistic survival instincts. The concepts of “relying on your instincts” and “following your intuition” is therefore often used inter-changeably or in the same context. Many people assume that instinct and intuition are the same thing. This is however an incorrect assumption. Continue reading

You Are What You Speak

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEven the quietest among us speak many words every day. Each one of those words has meaning. How often do you stop to consider that meaning?

If your friends, neighbors, or co-workers were asked to describe you briefly, what would they say? That you were “nice,” “kind,” “generous?” Maybe “rude,” “messy,” or “thoughtless?” What comes to mind when we hear those words? Each one of them is a snapshot of who we are as people. But we don’t get there without lots of words of our own.

Most of what we say, as well as think, the “little voices” in our mind, is done without much thinking. It’s easy to get into a rut and stay there. That’s how habits are formed. It’s also how we succeed or fail. If we start telling ourselves that we are worthless, unlovable, or stupid, we’ll start believing it. Others will too! Continue reading

Grief Is A Gift Of Experience

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLong ago, I yearned for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life. And the door opened. It led me within. Now, I long for a deep wound to be healed, and again I feel the door opening. I am prepared for the changes that come each time the door opens, and welcome them with profound gratitude.

Last year had been a particularly difficult time for me. So much grief! All part of the process, of course. Yet, I was wondering when I would get back into the universal flow? When would the spiritual things I need for my Journey manifest?

Suddenly, “voila”! Sheer magic arrived in the form of three different humans from totally different walks of life that resonate with me so perfectly that I’m totally grateful for the grief. Now I can see the perfection in the stunning beauty of the sum of it. Continue reading

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll of us have had at least one day in our lives when we’ve done nothing but talk down to ourselves: we’re not good-looking enough, or wealthy enough, or talented enough. It’s okay, once in a while, but for some this habit becomes a lifelong form of self-torture. It becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Did you know the same thing happens when we focus our energy, and our self-talk on the positive?

No matter your belief system, positive thinking energy is good for you: it will increase your mental clarity, boost your immunity, and help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. It is beneficial to see the glass as half full. Like a mirror, the universe reflects back what we put out to it. Ever heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out?” The same is true of our thoughts. What we focus on becomes our reality … whether this is negative or positive. Continue reading

What Are Your Gifts?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered what your gifts are? What you came to this planet to do? What would make you the most happiest?

What your passion is, is what your gift to the world is. So many of my clients ask me what would give them the greatest amount of happiness. Sometimes I will look at their birth chart or just share what I’m picking up intuitively.

Often I will also share ways they can find out what their gifts are all on their own. There are a few steps:

1. Find your true nature beyond thought form. To regain awareness of being and to abide in that state of “feeling-realization”  is enlightenment. It’s here where we connect to our true self. It’s here we can find out what makes us most happiest. It’s an inner knowing! Continue reading

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