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How Often Do You Count Your Blessings?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSo often in this life things happen that are beyond our control. It is times like these that you have to look at that proverbial ‘silver lining’ and take a moment to stop and count your blessings.

Your husband leaves you after cheating on you for ten years. Legal issues aside, you may cry because you are alone, but are you really? The blessing in this case is clear – you lost a cheating husband and gained your life back! It may not seem like it right away but it will one day.

Your girlfriend decided that she wants to “test the waters and keep her options open”. Do you cry and moan, or do you count the many possible blessings here? Do you really want to make her your priority in life, while you are merely an “option” to her? Continue reading

Prophets And Prophecies

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll through the pages of history we find instances of prophets and prophecies.

The word ‘prophecy’ is derived from the Greek word prophemi; pro meaning ‘before’ and phemi meaning ‘to tell’.  Thus, prophecy means to foretell what will happen in the future, or to divine or interpret.

Prophecy is one of the many gifts of a psychic and is of much value to humanity. All psychics are prophets.

Today we have valuable prophets among our psychics and many whose prophecies have manifested to the letter.

However, after receiving a prophecy, be practical about it. In fact, make an effort to apply your common sense and power of reasoning to every message or prediction you receive. Continue reading

Different Strokes For Different Folks!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my grandmother’s time the local villagers were the only people who really had access to her psychic advice and guidance. Sometimes she went on trips to the city, where a few more fortunate folks could meet with her.

But today we have access to gifted psychics almost anywhere in the world. It is indeed a privilege. The global village is a truly exciting place to be. Problem is, we now have so many choices and options available to us, that we are even less likely to find what we are looking for!

Yes, not every psychic out there is ideal for your unique requirements. That is why you sometimes might have a disappointing reading with a psychic with a solid reputation, or a medium with a true gift. Some of the best psychics in the world sometimes miss the mark. Don’t believe me? I encourage you to have a look at the client reviews or ratings for any psychic available on the Internet right now. I guarantee that you will find at least one unfavorable review for each psychic whose profile you access. Continue reading

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