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life lessons

Charity – A Message From My Guides

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCharity does begin at home. Whether you think of charity as alms for the impoverished, or kindness to strangers, or perhaps non-judgment in times of questionable behavior by others, it is still imperative to look within first. Before you can be truly charitable to others, it is important to be kind to yourself first. Ultimately, you cannot give to others freely and easily that which you do not give to yourself.

You are a loving and giving being. However, sometimes you are your own worst critic and have nothing but fault to find when you come up short regarding lofty expectations of yourself.

Sometimes you have set this bar so high that you are incapable of reaching the goals within your estimated timeline. Sometimes life intervenes in your best laid plans and deadlines are missed. Sometimes you self-sabotage from fear of success, or failure. Each of these instances can cause undue stress, which is not only harmful to you, but also to the people in your circle. Continue reading

Angels With Me, But Why Do I Feel So Alone?

Get a free psychic reading at, click here nowDo we really have angels that are with us all the time? If our angels never leave us, then why do we sometimes feel so alone?

Yes, we all have angels in our lives, several in fact. Our main angel, or guardian angel, accompanies us from birth until death. And no, your crossed-over relative is not your guardian angel.  A guardian angel goes through many lifetimes with you and knows all your past secrets and all your future secrets, even before you yourself are aware.

I’m sure all of our guardian angels shake their heads many times at each of us, with our irresponsible use of free will, and some of the unfortunate choices we make in our lives. I can picture my guardian angel at different points in my life, just throwing up her hands and saying, “Here she goes again – another bad life choice!” However I know she never leaves my side, which is my comfort in this lifetime. Continue reading

Lessons In Love – Part 3

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen asked what the best message is that I have ever received from my spirit guides, I had to stop and think, because I am always receiving amazing spiritual messages that make me see things from a completely different perspective.

However, I do feel the most powerful guidance I ever received was on the subject of the fruit of the spirit. Spirit guides want their loved ones to know that in order to live happy, healthy lives we must definitely live with these fruit of the spirit.

The “Fruit of the Holy Spirit” is a biblical concept for the nine attributes of a Christian life, as described by Paul the Apostle in his letter to the Galatians. The fruit of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Continue reading

Jealousy Steals Your Serenity

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoing a psychic reading can sometimes trigger unpleasant memories or negative emotions for the psychic professional. But, as unpleasant as our own experiences may have been, they do help us to identify with those individuals who approach us for counsel.

One situation which has cropped up lately relates to jealous friends or family members. More often than not, my client doesn’t have the foggiest idea as to why the jealousy is there at all, especially when they feel they’ve put every effort into sustaining the relationship in question. All friendships and relationships take work, but when we feel that, in return we are getting back bad vibes, or any kind of negativity, it doesn’t feel fair. Continue reading

Lessons From The Wisdom Of Children

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe can learn a lot from children, when we look at things from their perspective. There are five special little ones in my life: three granddaughters and two grandsons, who range in ages from 6 years to 1 month.

Many women in my age group, known as the Baby Boomers, were so busy trying to get a career going, as well as have a family. We thought we could do it all, but we missed many of the little things that our children had to teach us. I was not immune to this.

Now that I have grandchildren in my life, and I have the ability to take the time to see things differently, I have learned many life lessons.

Lesson 1 – Count Your Blessings

This past weekend, I had my two year old granddaughter here for the weekend. She has been diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis and has a variety of medicines that she is taking. I am so sad when I watch this young child suffer needlessly, because of a disease that she should never have had in her life. She can be happy and running one minute, and then stopped in her tracks and unable to get up the next. Continue reading

How Tough People Handle Stress

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStress confronts us around every corner. Sometimes it’s all we can do to just to get through each day. How we deal with stress says a lot about us, and there are many proactive, healthy ways to do this.

The Serenity Prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” That is a wise prayer! Stress is unavoidable, so don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging that it is there and having tools to fight stress is half the battle. Using multiple tools such as meditations, problem solving strategies, and time management can be much more helpful than only having one ‘go-to’ strategy. Continue reading

Always Be True To Who You Really Are

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe should all take the time to visit a nursing home or a senior’s retirement village, and speak to the residents. It can be a life-changing experience. Recently, I have had the opportunity to speak to several seniors and one of the questions I asked them was, “If you had your life to live again, what would you do differently?”

Some said they would change nothing, as they had family, friends and lots of love in their lives. They also knew the true joy of being in the moment, and how laughter was the healer of most wounds in relationships, and otherwise. However, the vast majority responded that they would have been more true to themselves. These seniors told me they would have followed the original path placed in their soul, instead of living for what someone else wanted, or what someone else thought they should be. Continue reading

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