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law of attraction

Spirit Teachers Aim To Serve Humanity

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have learned through spirit communication that each individual on earth is guided by someone in the spirit world even though they may not be conscious of the fact.  Many go through life receiving spirit help, but are absolutely unconscious of that guidance.

Various names are applied to these spirit helpers, such as Guardian Angels, Teachers, Guides or Ascended Masters. Regardless of the title given to them, they are all spirit helpers.

Our spirit helpers come into our lives through the Law of Attraction. Something in our character, ability or aspiration that corresponds with that of the spirit helper attracts them to us. For example, it is not logical to believe that the famous Greek philosopher Socrates will choose as his human instrument here on earth someone who knows nothing of philosophy. Continue reading

The Power Of Words Revisited

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI posted an article a couple of weeks ago titled We Should Choose Our Words More Carefully, about ‘words’ and how powerful they can be. I showed how words are vibration and vibration can not only build but, also destroy.

So, for your amusement and mine, I have compiled a long list of words. To show the hidden meanings in the words we use.

I believe that our names, words and phrases contain hidden clues about each one of us and the things or places around us.

I am going to use anagrams and lexigrams. Lexigrams are words formed by using some of the letters in a word or phrase. Anagrams are words formed by rearranging the letters of the word, using all of the letters. For example: Continue reading

If Only We Had Some Patience In A Bottle

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat is one of the most valuable commodities that anyone can possess in this day and age? What is the one precious thing we all seem to lack?

I believe that, given the opportunity, some of us would even trade all of our earthly possessions for a lifelong supply of this magical substance. It is the one thing that can secure us so much happiness, inner peace and long-term fulfillment.

Have you guessed what this ‘eighth wonder of the world’ is? Well, it is the virtue of patience, of course!

The Dutch say that “a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains”. There is no doubt in my mind that should some genius be able to develop a magical formula to capture patience in a bottle, that person would overnight become the wealthiest and most famous person on the planet! Continue reading

2011: Doom, Gloom And Celebrity Gossip

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe year 2011 has kicked off with yet another batch of psychic predictions from all over the globe. It has become an annual tradition to predict as much doom and gloom as possible, and this year the custom was once again upheld with much enthusiasm and zeal.

The usual depressing prophecies and upcoming disasters were numerous this year, coupled with some mindless trivia about celebrities and movie stars. Why? Because bad news and gossip sells. It is what most people like to hear and it is what most people like to fear. Scientific studies have shown that people prefer bad news in the media. They find it more interesting, respond to it more often and remember it much longer. They also pass the news on to others at a much faster rate. I guess it is in our nature, because knowing the bad news before everyone else might just give us a better shot at survival. Continue reading

Just Imagine The Possibilities

Visit for a FREE Psychic Reading!John Lennon asked us to “imagine all the people living life in peace”. Now imagine the possibilities if each person learned to express that same peace within themselves. Sooner or later, all people would enjoy true peace. It would spread like wildfire!

Possibilities are something that each being hopes for. Each human, each animal and each tree that is growing. All of living creatures and entities somehow imagine possibilities. But, do they imagine the worst or the best outcome?

Animals expect love. They also crave affection and hope, but always to be loved. Trees hope to grow high, up into the sky, spreading their branches wherever they can, much to the chagrin of some homeowners! But when it comes to humans, it seems we have a different inclination. Do we imagine the best outcome, the best possibility? Or do we tend to envision the worst of the ‘what if’ scenario? Continue reading

All That Cumbersome Impossibility

Visit PsychicAccess.comIf you can change just one thing about the world we live in, what would it be?

The typical response from most people would probably be something along the lines of a standard beauty pageant response, such as ‘world peace’ or ‘global warming’.

Sure, these are all noble causes, but do they solve more than one problem?

What if there was an often overlooked and a very basic adjustment we could all make, something that could potentially revolutionize the society we live in? I mean, what would happen if we all simply gave up our attempts at trying to control, manipulate and coerce others into being what we expect them to be, or to behave in ways we expect them to? It may not solve all our problems, but it might just get us much further than we currently imagine possible. Continue reading

Psychic Vampires and Energy Thieves

Visit PsychicAccess.comMany empaths and highly sensitive people believe that some of the individuals they deal with daily are psychic vampires or energy thieves.

I believe this is a myth and a misconception. Yes, I admit, I have felt this way myself on many occasions in the past, until I discovered some truths about the matter. Once the facts were revealed to me, it changed my outlook radically.

It is simply impossible for anyone to drain or ‘steal’ your energy. Believing this to be possible implies that there is a limited source of energy available, which we have to share and compete over. This reeks of lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality, the very things that cause so much conflict, rivalry, antagonism, struggle and suffering in the world. Continue reading

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