Say Good Morning To The World
Yesterday was a real hard one for me; too many things going wrong: kids not observing rules, friends who just needed a few minutes to talk, family calling with one problem or another, and then being notified to fill in at work at the last minute.
Good morning to the World.
There I went, off to the craziness of another day in the old rat race of work, and family chaos.
But this morning I took a different approach, by returning to my usual daily routine. Seeing the Sun rising high in the East, I went outside to sit on the bench with my second cup of espresso. To charge up my energy I started singing O’ Sole Mio in a clear, strong voice. This is the best way to welcome the blessings of another day – before everyone else wakes up. Continue reading
Your Life Can Be So Much More Beautiful…
If I told you that your life could be beautiful and filled with joy every single moment of the day, every day of the year, would you believe me? Probably not. You’d be correct. Nothing is 100% perfect all the time. But what if I told you that there are a few things you could try that has worked for me to help manifest a much more peaceful, harmonious and drama-free life? Would you be willing to give them a try? If so, then I encourage you to keep reading.
The strategies below have stripped most of the stress from my life, and made me much more relaxed and able to enjoy special times, and create special memories, with those that mean the most to me. Remember those moments are fleeting. Don’t allow them to slip away from you, because you were too focused on things that, if you look at it carefully, not that important at all! Continue reading
Strategies To Manifest Prosperity
Understanding the concept of prosperity is just as important as pursuing prosperity. In the past several years I have had the opportunity to speak to some very wealthy clients. In discussing various topics with these individuals it is very clear that prosperity has nothing to do with the amount of wealth someone holds. Money is certainly an aspect of prosperity, but it does not bring about prosperity. For example, individuals who have sacrificed relationships and freedom for the sake of financial success are not individuals that I would consider prosperous.
Prosperity is not gauged through the amount of money in your bank account, but rather the conditions of your life. I define prosperity this way: it is the ability to find fulfillment in all areas of life. So here are the five strategies of prosperity thinking that I have found bring about prosperity and abundance. Continue reading
Spiritual Practices To Promote Alignment
There are many types of spiritual practices that will bring alignment to your life. Spiritual practices are the methods by which we understand the inner world, and learn just how much impact our inner world has on the outer world.
Jesus said, “With faith the size of a mustard seed you could move a mountain.” Faith is a constant, and always brings forth the manifestation of our inner beliefs. Spiritual practice allows the practitioner to gain spiritual awareness, and by doing so shifts negative or useless beliefs into useful beliefs that can have a profound impact on the journey of life. Continue reading
Why People Cheat On Their Mates – Part 4
In the second post and third post in this blog series I have shared with you two different clients experiences with cheating in their marriage.
There are about as many different reasons why people cheat on their mates as there are for why their partners choose to stay with them!
One thing I have found to be true for the different types of couples that deal with cheating in their relationships. People who stay with their cheating mates are less happier and less healthier than those who decide to be proactive and take action – be it divorce, separation or break up. These brave souls chin up and decide not to deal with those that do not respect them enough to remain true. Continue reading
My Favorite Prosperity Crystals
Is your life prosperous? And no, it does not refer solely to how much money your have. Prosperity is certainly related to money, however I do not believe that money alone represents prosperity.
I have been doing intuitive readings for many years, and some of my regular clients are some of the wealthiest people in the country. Yet, many of them suffer broken relationships, heartache, and face other life struggles. Even though their money is in order, they are lacking in many other areas of their lives. So, it is my conviction that the true definition for prosperity is not just money, but rather a feeling of fulfillment in all areas of life. Continue reading