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Seeing Clearly By Way Of Faith

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost of us face a roller-coaster life. We have our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations. We sometimes feel tempted to say things we shouldn’t, and we are sometimes unable to put that chocolate chip cookie down when we know we should.

We live in a world where there are temptations all around us. That little voice in our head tells us to do it, when our intuition says it would hurt us. We are sometimes left conflicted and double-minded.

But when we have faith we act and speak wisely. Faith helps us to choose the path of wisdom and it instills insight. When we choose to think negatively, and turn away from faith, that is when obstacles enter into our life. Continue reading

Have A Good Night! – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSleep is essential for a quality life filled with happiness, spiritual growth and well-being.

In the first article in this series I shared how a client inspired me to write this blog about the need for healing sleep.

Here are some of the things I shared with her that can also help you with getting better, more healing sleep.

The following are some tried and true remedies that can help you get some really good sleep, but please do consult your physician before trying any of these:

1. Magnesium, helps relax the muscles in the body and alleviates headaches.

2. Lavender is a very relaxing essential oil that helps me to fall asleep every night. It’s one of my favorite oils. It calms the mind and is a lot like a chemical free sedative. Personally, I love Lavender! Continue reading

Being In Your Element

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA former work associate, whom I hadn’t heard from in several years, recently called me to touch base. She asked me how I was doing and out popped my words: “I am in my element! I am working from home, doing what I love and surrounded by my menagerie of many”.

After we ended the call, I began analyzing what I had just said, and just what “being in my element” really meant, because it isn’t a term I use regularly. It made me more aware of how I had specifically set my intention and manifested the actual circumstances I wanted to work in, even though, right now, I am in the process of manifesting them on another continent! Continue reading

Stay Away From Those ‘Basket Thieves’

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYour hopes, your dreams, your wishes and aspirations, all of your visions for your life are stacked together in your own little basket of hope. I have one. So does my neighbor, and my best friend too. Be it in our minds, or on paper, we all have that little basket of hope. Or one could even go so far as to call it a “bucket list”. I call it my “basket of hope”. Same difference.

Recently I had the misfortune of coming across a “basket thief” – kind of like a horse whisperer or a dog whisperer, except not nearly the positive experience either one of the above can bring. A basket thief doesn’t come to you to whisper in your ear about your hopes and your dreams. They don’t even really care about your hopes and dreams. What they do care about is you putting aside said hopes and dreams in order to help them achieve theirs. Continue reading

Let Color Be Your Daily Inspiration

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe can use colors to help us in daily growth. Applying different colors can create significant shifts in our everyday life. Having colors in our life can help us to see how we can achieve are personal goals.

Green is gives us balance from our head to our heart. It offers  us a more positive outlook in life.

Blue gives us a strong sense of right and wrong. It empowers us to make better judgments and smarter decisions. It also teaches is not to overreact to many things in life.

Orange brings warmth and happiness into our life, and offers emotional strength in difficult times. Continue reading

Journey Born Under A Divine Star

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the coming weeks I will be posting a series of articles from my travel blog, which I wrote during my recent trip to Europe. The blogs are a collection of spiritual adventures, pilgrimages to sacred places and accounts of my personal odyssey into self-realization. Let me be your guide to sacred sites like Stone Henge in the United Kingdom and the Oracle of Delphi at Temple of Apollo in Greece.

I was very excited that my journey began under one of the most rare and powerful aspects in astrology, namely the Grand Sextile, or Star of David. The ancients associated this unique alignment of six planets with the birth and anointing of a king. This rare alignment of the planets occurred on July 29th, 2013. Seven of the ten planets were involved to create six sextiles, three oppositions and two Grand Trines! Continue reading

Living In A State Of Transcendence

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people may claim to be enlightened and living in a very spiritually conscious state. What many believe to be reality is very much not. There is a veil that is in front of most people and most do not see through it, even though they want to. It is for most very hard to reach that state of bliss. Once there though it can be very liberating and this feeling of being truly free is difficult to describe in words.

Once soul has arrived at that ideal state of growth and evolution, you have arrived, or rather transitioned to a frequency that is higher than what most people are attuned to. Most people reside and live in the material realm, paying attention to the latest this, or the greatest that, and buying into the material things of the world. Trying to get happiness from this will always lead to a ‘cup half empty’ feeling. Continue reading

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