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Treasure The Living Years

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany of us attach personal meaning to songs. Perhaps it is a song played at your wedding, or a family member’s favorite tune, or something meaningful from your childhood years.

Psychics often have songs come to mind during readings, or we find they are playing on the car radio after we were just thinking of that special family member or friend. We then take that as a sign that they are watching over us and that they had just stepped in from the Spirit side of life to make their presence know. These songs can be the triggers for memories that we once treasured, or continue to treasure, or to remind you how precious and loved you are. Continue reading

Signs From The Spirit World

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I have passed on endless messages of reassurance to my customers from their loved ones on the other side. The focus in most mediumship readings is typically on reassuring those left behind, on this side of the veil, that their deceased loved ones are actually very much alive and doing well. The dearly departed often let us know that they are unencumbered by any discomfort of a physical or emotional nature they may have experienced prior to their crossing.

Yesterday, I did a reading for a customer who received a profound message from her father. It made me think how I had not really been feeling my own father’s presence recently. That is, not since the final group gathering of my psychic development circle over two years ago, prior to my move to Spain. In that final group session, my dad communicated how I had been talking to his photo that very morning, just a few hours earlier. I blushed as the rest of the group laughed at my embarrassment. Spirit loves laughter, and that was so typical of my dad to come through with funny comments during our psychic circle. Continue reading

Growing Up Psychic – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter my mom sat me down to talk to me about my inherited psychic abilities, she wanted me to have a better understanding of my gifts. Although I am one of the third-generation of psychics in my family, I still didn’t know how to deal with this new found awareness until my junior year at high school.

When my parents decided to buy another house we thought our troubles with the hauntings would finally be over, but it was only a new beginning and things started to get worse. Not only did the paranormal activity become more intense, but more things were disappearing at the new house.

My parents had the house blessed before we moved in, but a few months after that the paranormal activity started up again. It was not only affecting my family, but my friends also. It was difficult for me to get anyone to spend the night at my house. Continue reading

Letting Go Of Toxic Love

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been reading for many years for a lady who is one of my dearest clients. I just love her to pieces. But I did not love the situation she was in with the man in her life, and neither did she. But it took her a long time to come to terms with him.

She was raising their child, while she worked and paid all the bills. Meanwhile, he did as he pleased and did very little to contribute to their home or their relationship. Neither did he make any effort to support her and their child. He has substance abuse problems. When he drinks he uses foul language and doesn’t exercise good judgment. Most of all he isn’t a good role model for their child.

He basically just drank and smoked, while he lay around all day. “And on top of that he eats me out of house and home!” she used to say. Continue reading

Origins Of A Psychic

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll my life I wanted to find out about the origins of my psychic ability. I wanted to know if it was handed down to me from my ancestors. This question was frustrating at first, because I kept hitting a brick wall. Until my wife got me one of my best birthday presents ever: a three month subscription to a genealogy service.

As I was loading the disk onto my computer, I felt a long and winding road to the truth was ahead. Which side of the family do I start with? My mother’s side, or my father’s? I asked my spirit guide for help and she guided towards me starting with my father. This was unexpected, because all I have ever heard from the family is how I inherited my psychic talent from my mother’s side of the family? Continue reading

My Dad’s Missing Slipper

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter my father passed, my wife said that she could hear me talking to my dad in my sleep, both as an adult and as a child. I didn’t remember talking to my dad. Apparently I would talk about my dog when I was growing up, and I would carry on a conversation with him for a long time, as if he was standing right next to me. She said I also mentioned a teacher, Mrs. Whooton, my fifth grade teacher. In time the dreams with my dad stopped, because my wife says she no longer hears me talk to my father anymore.

My sister had asked me if I wanted any of his stuff. I already received a lot from him growing up and before his passing, so I could not really think of anything. But I remembered a pair of very nice slippers my wife and I had bought him for Christmas, shortly before he passed away. Continue reading

Prayers For A Prodigal Son

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI had been wanting to write this for some time, hoping to use the right words to say this. I feel the time is now.

Recently, we celebrated another Father’s Day in many countries all over the world. For the seventh year in a row I did not see my son, Raymond. Yes, as always I got my hopes up, only to be disappointed again. I usually try to prepare myself days in advance, to get myself out of a bad attitude for knowing that he won’t be around.

I am sure there many fathers or mothers who do not get to see their children. I was a good father, and I know that no one can take that away from me. Father’s Day is a lot harder to me than Thanksgiving or even Christmas, because that one day out of the year is to honor your parents. Both of mine are gone, but I still reflect on what I did for them when they were alive, and what they did for me. Continue reading

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