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Growing Up Psychic – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter my mom sat me down to talk to me about my inherited psychic abilities, she wanted me to have a better understanding of my gifts. Although I am one of the third-generation of psychics in my family, I still didn’t know how to deal with this new found awareness until my junior year at high school.

When my parents decided to buy another house we thought our troubles with the hauntings would finally be over, but it was only a new beginning and things started to get worse. Not only did the paranormal activity become more intense, but more things were disappearing at the new house.

My parents had the house blessed before we moved in, but a few months after that the paranormal activity started up again. It was not only affecting my family, but my friends also. It was difficult for me to get anyone to spend the night at my house.

In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality ~ Alfred Stieglitz

Different items in the house would be moved around, or the wall clock would act strange. It would stop at a certain time, like 12:12 or 11:11.  My mom would see shadow figures go by, and she would smell various odors. I smelled my grandfather’s cigar smoke, as well as his pipe. I didn’t know it was him at the time, I only discovered this later.

Before my grandfather passed away I saw him at the edge of my bed. I also received a phone call from him on July 4, 1976. When I got the phone call at that time I didn’t know he had passed away. I remember when my uncle Raymond called later to tell my father, he had a look on his face like he’d seen a ghost.

Strangely, I never saw my grandmother’s spirit at the new house like I used to at the old house. Many times I saw her spirit at my grandfather’s house too, before he moved to my aunt’s place.

At this time I didn’t realize that all my uncles on my mother’s side were also “seeing stuff.” But it was more intense for my family and nobody had a clue why these things like were happening to us the way they were happening.

One time, when I pulled up in the driveway to visit my dad, after my mother passed away, I saw a mysterious man in his backyard. It was daylight and there was this tall man wearing a long, dark trench coat. He had a beard and a shotgun, and he gave me a reassuring nod… like he was there to protect our land and the family. When I told my father about this he thought I was kidding around, but a couple of weeks later my aunt sent my father some old family photos from a family reunion back in the 1800s. They found the man I had describe in one of the pictures.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science ~ Albert Einstein

I wanted to know why these hauntings had been going on in our house for so long, and decided to go to the library to do some research. I remember asking the librarian about certain books and she gave me this strange look, but patiently directed me to the section on how to deal with ghosts, paranormal aberrations, poltergeists and haunted homes.

I soon discovered that ghosts can follow people from one residence to another, from one state to another, and even from one country to another. Some books also suggested that taking pictures of these phenomena were possible. I bought a Polaroid camera and I found my old reel-to-reel tape recorder. I was going ghost hunting!

I invited one of my best friends over to help me, as well as my older brother Mike. I was nervous, because I never really did anything like this before. We had mixed results, including some orbs and unusual shapes in the Polaroid pictures and two voices on the tape recordings. One sounded like a little girl and the other like an older man in his late 60s or 70s. He was not happy that we were there.

A week later the pictures disappeared from the closet we kept it in. I asked my brother what he did with the pictures, but he said he had no clue what had become of them.

To be continued.

About The Author: Raymond

Growing up on the streets of Columbus Ohio, Raymond learned at a very young age that he was gifted in many ways, including the ability to read someone's eyes and using a regular deck of playing cards to read the future! His mother was from a Native American family, namely the Black Foot tribe, and his father was German. Raymond discovered that both sides of his family had a psychic legacy. Over the years he has gained additional knowledge from books and by talking to trusted family members. Raymond has been doing psychic reading for others for over 3 decades, and over the years he gained many loyal clients from all walks of life. Visit Raymond for a reading at

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