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dream analysis

Text Messages From God – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter meditating for two days, I received another ‘text message’ from God to answer a question I have had for a while. I have shared with my clients how they can open up and allow their psychic ability to flourish, as I believe we all have the ability to feel and see things that will come to pass. With pen and paper near me I wrote down the following.

1. Sleep/Dreams/Record
2. Spend time in solitude
3. Keep away from those who deplete you energetically
4. Moonstones

So with these messages I arrived at what I apparently already knew to be true. Continue reading

Discovering Prophetic Dreams At A Young Age

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have had many interesting dream experiences over the years and have witnessed how they often do reflect what is yet to come. I discovered this powerful prophetic nature of our dreams at a very young age.

One of the most memorable dreams from my childhood years involved a tornado. In this recurring dream I could hear the tornado sirens going off and I kept seeing an odd image of a piece of straw that went into a telephone. I kept seeing the time being 4:23 pm and I when I woke up, I knew that something was bad was going to happen. Every time I had the dream the tornadoes would get louder and louder.

Later, in April 1974, I was over my at my grandparents house when the tornado sirens went off. I was 12 years old and I started to freak out, because of those dreams I had been having. The sky was very dark and my grandparents had me go down into the basement for shelter. I remember my grandparents lighting a old oil lantern so we could have light. Continue reading

Learn To Trust Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhile meditating one afternoon and deep in the alpha state, I heard a male voice say to me: “You need to work, because someone needs you and needs to hear the message that you were given last night.” I was not feeling very social and certainly not feeling much like working, but the voice was crystal clear.

I kept meditating and let it soak in. I mentally asked this voice to show or tell me how and what could this message be? Then I immediately saw an image of my dream journal.

Once conscious, I went over in my mind what I had just heard. Then I went to my room and grabbed my dream journal, which I keep by my head when I sleep. I always keep a clip on night light, so that I can see when I’m recording all my dreams – I often record them throughout the night. Over the past ten years I’ve gotten really good at waking myself up after a really good dream and writing down all I can remember. Continue reading

Recurring Dream A Sign Of Things To Come

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOver the years I have had many dreams I never knew at the time was a sign of things to come. There is one particular dream I had repeatedly, and I did not realize how its message would ultimately affect members of my family.

My first real job was with my brother. He owned a painting company and he offered me a job before my summer vacation in high school.

At this time I had a dream about my brother and sister-in-law. In my dream they were in an earthquake. Living in Ohio this was unlikely, as we normally do not experience earthquakes here. In this dream I can remember the ground splitting apart and my brother was reaching out to my sister in-law’s hands, to pull her to safety. But he couldn’t bring her to safety and at that moment I always woke up. Continue reading

Dream Weaving With Your Loved Ones

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for a long time. I can immediately tell if someone is thinking about or “dialing up” my client at night, and spending time with them in the dream state.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the time to call or spend time with our loved ones, we do spend time with them on the astral plane.When our body sleeps, our soul travels and does in fact communicate and seek growth by interacting with loved ones in the dream state.

Sleep is not only a time for resting the body and rejuvenating the mind, but also for connecting with loved ones and getting spiritual messages from our guides. It is also an opportunity to see what awaits us in the future. Continue reading

Guidelines For Developing Your Psychic Talents

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMaybe one of your resolutions this year is to develop existing psychic abilities, or to embark on a journey to find new ones? Great! But how do you get started? This can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually easier than you think.

Like any talent, psychic ability can be practiced and improved. A good place to start is to simply become more mindful of your surroundings. Use all five senses. What are you tasting, smelling, hearing? Buy a small notebook and write down your observations, both from waking and in dreams. Chances are you’ll start to notice patterns. Take time every day to meditate in whatever way you choose. Ten minutes of clearing your mind and focusing will not just help you develop psychic abilities, it will also do wonders for your stress levels and concentration. Continue reading

The Angels In Our Daily Lives

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe see movies about them around Christmas time; stories about how an Angel was sent to a certain family with a message of hope. We see Angels delivering messages in works of art and we hear about them in popular holiday songs. But are they real?

I believe we do get signs and guidance from Angels, and sometimes they even save our lives. Whenever I am asked to assist with ghost hunting, I always ask for help and protection from the Angels. They have never failed me.

One cold winter morning on my way to work I was about ten miles from my exit on the highway. I was feeling ill, but my sick days had run out and I needed the money, so I had to go in. I had taken some cold medication before I left home. I was in the far right lane and was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Continue reading

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