When He Disappears Into His Cave
He tells you that he loves you, always wants to be with you, and can’t seem to get enough of you. He calls and texts you all the time, and you’re feeling this is it… the perfect relationship! You love the way he makes you feel. He must be ‘the one.’ Then all of a sudden he’s gone…
He is not contacting you anymore. No calls, no texts, no dates, no nothing. What happened? Where did he go? Well he went into his ‘cave.’ That is where men go when they realize they have moved to fast, or when they feel that they are getting too attached.
Men retreat into their cave to take a break and think about what comes next. They will stay in there until they find solutions. The timing always varies for each individual guy. Continue reading
Happiness Is Here And Now
Too often I hear the lament, “When will I be happy?” The answer is simple – right now!
Our mind is our own worst enemy but it can also be our best friend, if we let it. Understanding simple concepts of universal truths can go a long way towards our mind knowing these truths and accepting them as fact into our world.
One of the biggest universal lies is that happiness is a permanent state of being or, worse yet, that everything has to be perfect for you to be happy. That’s a lie. The simple, universal truth is much easier and also much more freeing. Happiness comes in moments, happiness is where you are right now, with exactly what you have. Continue reading
Spring Blessings Of Change
We have officially entered Springtime and the winds of change are blowing in. Along with change comes new beginnings, and with new beginnings comes excitement, trepidation, and often times fear. We may be thinking about the many potential opportunities a new beginning brings, but, also may worry about any challenges or obstacles the future may hold.
During the winter months you spent time going within, both physically from the colder weather, and spiritually, to connect with your soul. Without even knowing, you instinctively entered the cave of your inner guru to get quiet so that you could nurture and cultivate something very precious inside of you that is about to be birthed this Spring. Continue reading
Psychic Advice For The Holiday Madness
It’s important this season to remember not everyone is kind, and not everyone cares and is compassionate. I can relate to my clients when they say it is really difficult to be around certain people during the holidays, because of the ego, pride issues that many have. It does little for one’s peace of mind.
I give the same advice I try and bide by myself, which is remembering these people we only have to see once or twice a year. So, try your best to be civil. It’s hard even for those of us that remote view and see how our ‘loved ones’ speak so ‘lovingly’ of us behind our back, and how they focus on the things of this world instead of what matters the most. Continue reading
Fall Asleep Fast…The Natural Way
Insomnia is not only widespread these days; it is a negative influence which may lead to depression and anxiety, substance abuse, decreased mental functioning, and even suicide. With less than half of adults getting their optimal levels and duration of sleep, it’s crucial that all of us look after that part of ourselves.
Relying on sleep medications can have long-term side effects, and after a while, we become dependent on them. Instead of using gimmicks or habit-forming medications to get more sleep, all you need are three natural ingredients and this simple recipe for a sleep elixir.
A natural sleep mixture is non-habit-forming, and provides benefits beyond better sleep. In fact, our sleep cycle affects almost every other part of our well-being. Continue reading
How Tough People Handle Stress
Stress confronts us around every corner. Sometimes it’s all we can do to just to get through each day. How we deal with stress says a lot about us, and there are many proactive, healthy ways to do this.
The Serenity Prayer states, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” That is a wise prayer! Stress is unavoidable, so don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging that it is there and having tools to fight stress is half the battle. Using multiple tools such as meditations, problem solving strategies, and time management can be much more helpful than only having one ‘go-to’ strategy. Continue reading