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Lou’s Inspirational Story

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA friend of a friend always felt a calling to do animal rescue work, and this calling beckoned her to a Swiss-based rescue group called City Dogs in Romania. She saw a picture of a dog named Lou on their website, fell in love with him and arranged for him to be transported from Romania to Switzerland.

There was something special about Lou, and people who have had that special soul connection with a pet will understand this.

When Lou arrived the connection between them was immediate and all seemed fine with him. However, this is what happened after Lou arrived, in my friend’s own words: Continue reading

Love Cord Connections Last An Eternity

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen we truly love someone, we are eternally connected to that person – throughout all of our lifetimes. That love cord is never severed. No one, or nothing, not even the Archangel Michael can sever this cord with his sword.

It is true that love is the most powerful force and it is my belief that God is love. We get to bask in this blissful feeling in its entirety, which is much too much for our earthly minds to even comprehend. I do know that we get to taste a bit of it through the feelings we experience when we deeply love another person. It is our ‘taste of heaven’ here on earth and we can enhance the feeling through gratitude for that person that is in our lives. In turn we can also treat each other better, appreciate each other more, knowing that the moment truly is all that we have and it can be taken away at any moment. Continue reading

Karmic Relationship Ties That Bind Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA karmic connection, whether to a person or a pet, is a bond that has been there for lifetime upon lifetime. Because we are linked to another soul also somewhere on the astral, a karmic bond doesn’t simply sever when we physically detach from an individual in this world. Invisible tubular type cords connect us to various people and animals throughout many dimensions and incarnations.

I believe that those we have loved, whether girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse, not to mention certain more challenging family members, even work associates, can fall into this category of being karmically linked to us. Because the bond is actually linking us on the astral plane, it isn’t always straightforward to cut. Continue reading

Breaking The Painful Ties That Bind Us

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWith any kind of relationship, romantic or platonic, good or bad, comes a metaphysical cord of attachment which feeds energy from one person to another, in what can be likened to surgical tubing.

When we’ve had relationships with people, these cords extend from our chakras or energy centers to those of the other person. So, you can imagine the amount of emotions we can take on from someone else – more often than not ‘fear-based’ emotions. That fear can show itself as fear of abandonment, unforgiveness, co-dependency, or any other negative emotion.

Years ago, I remember reading a newspaper article shortly after the son of Dean Martin had been killed in an air crash. The famous singer said it felt like his heart was being ripped out – so real are these cords that bind us. The ripping at his heart chakra was, in fact, real, even though there was not any physical evidence of his heart being pulled from his body. Continue reading

Past Life Love Difficulties

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered why you feel so connected to a certain person, but don’t know why? It’s that ‘familiar’ feeling when your talking to someone for the first time. You may also experience déjà vu – that you have known or been with this person before, although you have never met them. You may even see flashes of yourself with that person in a different country, or distant place and time.

These experiences come from cell memory connected to past lives. In that moment you are tapping into a past life with that person.

When this happens it’s important to realize that there is still soul growth that needs to take place and that is why you both met up again in this life. Sometimes it’s not a positive experience, but you need to go through some potentially unpleasant experiences with that person. This may come in the form of romantic relationship challenges, or reaching that person on a deeper level by learning how to be true friends. Certain things need to take place between souls, and sometimes much work needs to be done and it may take many lifetimes. Continue reading

Cell Memory And Soul Growth

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever heard someone’s voice you have never met and just felt like you knew that person or felt a kindred spirit to them? Have you ever tried unfamiliar foods and suddenly it made you have certain feelings or visual images? Have you ever smelled a scent and it made you feel a certain way, or took you back to a certain time and place, maybe not in this incarnation, but the past? Have you ever been somewhere and the place was so very familiar to you, but you have never ever been there in this lifetime?

The human body is made up of billions of cells that communicate with each other. Each of these cells is a living, breathing, feeling organism.

Every memory from every life we have ever lived is retained and deeply engrained in our cell memory, which in my opinion exists in our soul. We can connect with these past lives through hypnosis or deep meditation, and also in our dreams. When we dream we are actually astral traveling, but we return to our bodies every morning, because our soul is connected to our bodies with what is referred to as the ‘silver cord’. Continue reading

Discover Your True Destiny With Divine Living

Are you truly happy? It’s quite normal and perfectly understandable if you are not. These days many people feel their lives leave much to be desired. Discontent truly is the ‘disease of our time’, and it feels as if our world is increasingly spinning out of control. Too many of us are wandering aimlessly through our lives.

But if you knew your potential to live a life of joy, purpose and contentment, you would never again spend another moment living any other way. Within you looms the potential for authentic happiness so infinitely beyond everyday measure, or common human understanding, that you will never again be willing to settle for anything less.

This is in essence what my new book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny is about. It is a practical spirituality handbook for realigning with your Divine Self, and for reclaiming your birthright to enjoy a truly Divine Life.

Many people have in recent years experienced a profound spiritual awakening, but not everyone has been able to integrate their newfound spiritual awareness into the practical reality of their everyday life. I wrote Divine Living for this very reason. It is my hope that it will empower and inspire people to finally start living the connected and blissfully abundant life they always intended to have, since long before they were born.

Divine Living is the preferred lifestyle choice for many spiritually awakened souls all over the world. It is the new way of being that changes your life and perception of reality forever. As a species we are currently experiencing the inevitable dawning of a new era in human ascension. The new age of conscious evolution has begun. My goal with Divine Living is to provide the sincere spiritual seeker with a personal survival guide to successfully navigate this looming, global paradigm shift that is currently gaining critical mass all over the planet. Continue reading

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