Solstice Forecast 2016
The most recent Solstice took place on June 20th, marked with a rare Full Moon in Sagittarius. This signifies the perfect time for us to become ‘archers’ and use focus, courage, and persistence in manifesting our biggest dreams and visions for the second half of 2016.
Since March this year, we have all been struck with spells of confusion, exhaustion and scattered energy. You can thank the intense solar flares, two eclipses, and the ongoing retrograde activity in Mercury, Mars, and now Neptune, for some of your most frustrating moments. This planetary non-movement has been forcing us to slow down, prioritize and reassess our lives, to rid it of anything that isn’t helping us grow. Look at it as a blessing in disguise!
Once Mars goes direct today, on June 30th, it will release a fire of emotions and aggressive energy which are going to increase as we move closer to November. With two Full Moons in Sagittarius, back to back, we are being given the opportunity to change our world by removing the old, outdated ways of existing and replacing it with fresh, forward thinking. Continue reading
Making The Law Of Attraction Work For You
The Law of Attraction is among the most universal, yet poorly understood concepts in the psychic realm. Countless books, lectures, and seminars center on it. So, what is it, anyway?
In a very simple sense, the Law of Attraction means that we receive back what we put out. If we send specifically positive imagery and thoughts out into the Universe (which is actually a multi-dimensional Multiverse) they shall return to us.
The opposite is also true. Literally anything we want to achieve is possible, if we set our minds and spirits to the task. Why are so many of us stuck in the idea that we must simply accept what we have?
Largely, it is conditioning. We are taught as children to “be grateful” and that good children are seen, and not heard. As adults, however, we have the ability to reprogram our thinking and make these magical possibilities come true. It isn’t just about “wishful thinking,” although this does play a part! Continue reading
The Aura – Our Coat Of Many Colors
While sorting through some papers today, I came across a Kirlian photograph of myself taken at a psychic fayre in London some twenty years ago. It highlighted the blue and green in my aura at the time.
The aura is basically a design of our soul’s spectrum, encompassing the energies of our physical, mental, and spiritual experiences. Each individual aura is very unique, just like our fingerprints. Our auras change constantly, depending on our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual state at a given time. The green and blue shades in my energy field shown on that photograph depicted the healing energy and psychic energy I was expressing at that point in time.
The intensity of the colors around individuals, as well as the colors themselves vary considerably from person to person, which is hardly surprising considering how the aura represents our essential character, as well as years of accumulated experiences on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It can even be indicative of our potential going forward. I learned that our true spirit essence makes up our auras, and that they encompass all of our karma from previous lifetimes, as well as our goals and aspirations for this lifetime. Continue reading
What You Expect, You Receive
Yes, what you expect you attract into your life. When you are told by parents, friends, peers, and most important of all by self-talk, that you are not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, or can’t ever do anything right, and you choose to believe it, then it will be so. Over and over again, this reinforcement to the subconscious mind will ultimately manifest as your truth.
The subconscious mind believes all that it hears as truth. The self-talk and doubt is also believed as truth. The subconscious mind is like a child, willing and ready to accept all input, especially if it receives the same messages repeatedly. Continue reading
Mysteries Of The Moon Phases
Even the most casual observer knows that the Moon continually changes shape in the sky. This is because its regular orbit of approximately 28 days puts it at different points relative to the Earth and the Sun, making it go through phases.
So why should we care about this? Well, as the nearest celestial object to Earth, the Moon has a special place in Astrology, as well as the psychic realm itself. Our planet, as well as our bodies, consist of over two-thirds water, and therefore the Moon’s gravitational force affects us in different ways at different points in its orbit.
It’s worth noting here that the word lunatic comes from Luna, the Latin for “Moon.” But the Moon doesn’t make us insane, as some ancient stories would have us believe. However, a recent study suggest the Moon phases may affect our sleep patterns, and it has also been shown that the Moon influences the behavior of various animals. Continue reading
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