solar eclipse
Astrological Forecast November 30 – December 6, 2020
A lunar eclipse greets us today, as the Gemini Moon (also known as the Frosty Moon) waxes full and marks the first of two eclipses this month, along with a significant shift in direction for the next six months. Eclipses tend to come in pairs, one lunar and one solar, and the solar eclipse will occur in two weeks, on Monday, December 14th. During this cycle, we need to step back and go within to prepare for new beginnings, release the past, and consider a new focus for the start of 2021. This week’s lunar eclipse encourages us to put aside our emotions, and look more closely at the tangible, practical aspects of our lives.
Mercury will move into Sagittarius tomorrow, turning our thoughts to the coming holiday season. Under Wednesday and Thursday’s Cancer Moon, we may feel inspired to begin decorating our homes for the celebrations ahead or, at the very least, take a closer look at creating more flow and harmony in our surroundings. The remainder of the week unfolds under a Leo Moon, calling us to practice care and generosity not only with those around us, but also with ourselves. It’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves during the astrological eclipses, so the most important thing we can do this weekend will be to put ourselves first!
June 2020 Weekly Astro Forecasts
June 1 – 7
The exciting news this week is Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! Lunar and solar eclipses always come in pairs, with one following the other in a period of two weeks. So, this week’s Lunar Eclipse will be followed by a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st.
Eclipses set the tone for the next six months, so these lunations will usher in a time of focusing on our perceptions of home, family, security and emotional issues. Over the next two weeks, watch for new insights and clarity that emerge from honoring our emotions and tending to our hearts.
Monday’s Libra Moon will cast a centering energy over us all. The Moon will travel through Scorpio on Tuesday and Wednesday, evoking our spiritual and intuitive sides to the surface. The lunar eclipse occurs under a Sagittarius Full Moon (also known as a Strawberry Moon) and asks us to release inhibitions and restrictions that are holding us back.
If we’ve got anything important to accomplish on the home front, Sunday’s Capricorn Moon will give us the energy to tackle and complete unfinished tasks.
June 8 – 14
A nice quiet week awaits, as we move through the two current eclipses occurring in June. Monday’s Capricorn Moon will make this the most productive day of the week, moving us through our tasks and obligations at record speed.
Under Tuesday and Wednesday’s Aquarius Moon, our inventive and social sides will emerge. Focusing on friendships and solutions to current problems, we should be mindful of our emotions and intuitive urgings.
Managing Emotions With Jupiter In Scorpio
So much has transpired since the Summer eclipse season, which brought upon us lots of change and dramatic events.
Many people experienced traumatic situations, or began to question their purpose, which triggered a storm of emotions for some. While some are handling these changes well, it is overwhelming for others, because the energies are currently much more intense, and somewhat imbalanced.
With Jupiter now in Scorpio, for the next year, a lot of stuff will come to the surface on a personal and political level, which may be a little painful, but necessary to help create positive change. Continue reading
The Cosmic Weather Channel
We have all checked a daily weather forecast at some point. Will it be hot or cold? Will it rain or snow? But did you know that a different kind of ‘weather’ affects our lives just as much? We are also impacted by the ‘cosmic weather’ – the astrological positions of the planets and other heavenly bodies, as well as related phenomena, such as eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, aurora borealis (Northern Lights), solar flares, and meteor showers.
The recent “Great American Eclipse” was a large-scale event which many people observed. But what did it mean? Solar eclipses represent the shadow of the Moon (the yin, feminine, and intuitive) obscuring the Sun (yang, masculine, and logical). An eclipse therefore creates the illusion of twilight in the middle of the day. From a metaphysical perspective it is the perfect time for added insight, previously hidden knowledge, and inspired ideas. Continue reading
Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 – Are You Prepared?
A rare solar eclipse is expected to occur coast to coast over the USA tomorrow. Some believe this eclipse is a negative spiritual event.
Traditionally a total eclipse was seen as a source of dark energy or a bad omen, because the Sun’s energy is blocked and the Earth goes dark for a while. However, I believe this is a misconception in regards to the actual energetic and spiritual attributes of a solar eclipse.
When a solar eclipse takes place, it heightens the energy towards the Earth and all humans, but especially towards those on a spiritual journey. This is a good time to meditate, reflect and successfully perform personal spiritual rituals or practices. And yes, because the energy pull shifts, it means that you will feel the difference if you allow yourself to.
However, there are positive and negative energetic aspects to a solar eclipse, if you are not careful. If you are in a state of peace, you will experience enhanced peace at this time. If you are in a state of unrest, you will have an enhanced state of unrest. It is imperative to be in a good space and be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions during this eclipse. Continue reading