solar eclipse
Astrology Forecast March 25 – 31, 2024
The week begins with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra today. This promises to be a powerful astrological event, with potential implications on both a personal and collective level.
Libra energy is about balance, relationships, justice, and harmony, so this eclipse will highlight these areas in our lives, leading to significant changes and personal realizations. It may prove to be privotal in our relationships, as well as decisions or adjustments in areas of our life that have been out of balance.
Since eclipses tend to illuminate hidden truths and bring underlying issues to the surface, this one could prompt a deep reflection on our personal growth, particularly in how we balance our independence with our connection to others. It’s an opportune time for self-discovery and for reevaluating the compromises we make in our relationships.
It may also inspire us to advocate for ourselves or others, or to align our actions and choices with our core humanitarian values of justice, equality, and harmony. On a global scale, this eclipse will highlight issues of justice, diplomacy, and relationships between nations or groups. Movements for peace, equality and fairness may gain momentum this week.
Astrology Forecast October 9 – 15, 2023
Libra energies are at a high point as we move towards a Libra New Moon / Solar Eclipse this Saturday. We will see evidence of this aspect throughout the week. Pluto will also be going direct after five months in Capricorn, clearing out limitations and setting us on a new path to accomplishment. It may take us a few weeks to notice the shift, but rest assured, change is coming!
A Leo Moon square to Uranus in Taurus may cause us to feel irritable and moody this afternoon. Unexpected changes may also happen, so stay centered and do not make rash decisions.
The Moon will move through Virgo tomorrow through Thursday, shifting our focus to detail work, organization and idealism.
Wednesday morning will be great for social advancement and business success as the Virgo Moon trines Jupiter in Taurus. We will have an optimistic outlook on life and our social skills will be in high gear. The perfect opportunity to make friends and influence people!
Mars moves into Scorpio on Thursday, and while the planet of assertiveness does not always work well in water signs, this two-month cycle will work to unearth soulful longings and intuitive insights that will be crucial to our forward movement in 2024.
Friday’s Libra Moon and Saturday’s Libra New Moon / Solar Eclipse herald more new beginnings, so be sure to make a New Moon wish for anything you hold dear. Eclipses come in pairs, and the next one, a lunar eclipse, will occur on October 28th, beginning a new six-month cycle of focus for us all.
Karmic events are likely on Sunday, when the Moon enters Scorpio, piquing our curiosity. Old connections can pop up out of nowhere, and old memories are a reminder to pay close attention – anything can happen!
Astrology Forecast April 17 – 23, 2023
An interesting astrological week lies ahead as the Sun moves into Taurus on Thursday, followed by an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. If you have placements in any of the cardinal signs, namely in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, this first solar eclipse of the year will affect you more.
Tomorrow afternoon the Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune may cause us to be distracted and immersed in daydreams, as well as overly sensitive, emotional and even anxious. Keep calm and try to stay focused until the Moon transits into Aries tonight to restore our mental clarity, energy levels and confidence to take on life’s challenges.
Leading up to the Solar Eclipse and Sun sign transition on Thursday, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Aries Moon will cast excitement in the air. We’ll feel a signigicant change is coming, even if we don’t know what it is yet.
Thursday’s hybrid solar eclipse in Aries is a rare and beautiful phenomenon, as it is both a total and an annular eclipse. During an annular eclipse the edge of the Sun remains visible, creating a lovely bright ring of light around the shadow of the Moon.
This solar eclipse is a powerful time to review our dreams and goals, set clear intentions, and embrace new possibilities. If you need a significant breakthrough in your career, business or romance, then make the most of this potentially life-changing energy with a prayer, meditation, affirmations, or visualization. This is also the second Aries New Moon in just three weeks, so it reaffirms the energy of the previous, encouraging us to put ourselves out there and create new magic and miracles!
Astrology Forecast October 24 – 30, 2022
Today’s Libra Moon sets the scene with an air of balance and harmony. The Libra Moon’s trine with Saturn in Aquarius this morning, as well as its conjunction with Mercury in Libra by midday, makes today an excellent time to conduct business, with productive meetings, effortless financial decisions and powerful sales presentations inspired by mental sharpness and sound judgment.
The highlights of this week are tomorrow’s Scorpio New Moon and a Solar Eclipse. The first of two eclipses (the second occurring in Taurus on November 8th), this celestial event opens the door to change, calling for us to go internal for a few weeks to look more closely at our feelings, our spiritual beliefs, and our intentions for the future.
The Moon will continue to wade through Scorpio on Wednesday, setting the tone for our spiritual transformation.
A lighter energy will prevail on Thursday and Friday as the Moon dances through fun-loving Sagittarius, encouraging us to embrace the festivities of Halloween and Samhain, the Celtic festival this holiday is named for.
Mercury will move into Scorpio on Saturday, turning our focus to all things spiritual and metaphysical for the next few weeks.
On Sunday, Mars, the planet of action and assertiveness, will turn retrograde and travel backward for the next two months. This planet typically only goes retrograde every other year, so this cycle will have us going back and reviewing our movements, actions, and dreams to make sure we are operating in the most effective and authentic ways possible.
Astrology Forecast April 25 – May 1, 2022
The major event in the heavens this week occurs on Saturday when the Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse sets the stage for a shift in focus, energy and direction over the next six months. This is the first of two eclipses in as many weeks, the next one occurring on May 16th. As we examine our lives for the next two weeks, we’ll be better prepared to make changes once the second eclipse occurs in May.
With an ethereal Pisces Moon overhead today and tomorrow, we should avoid making any hard and fast decisions, as information is cloudy and doubts tend to hold us back. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just the Universe protecting us from moving in the wrong direction!
This evening the Pisces Moon conjunction Mars in Pisces may cause us to be irritable and egotistic. Relationship tension and conflict is also more likely.
Clarity returns on Wednesday as the Moon charges into Aries and doubts fade away. We’ll be inspired to take action and more action, especially when Mercury moves into Gemini and Pluto turns retrograde on Friday.
Gemini is one of two signs Mercury rules (Virgo being the other one) and so our thoughts and mental prowess will pick up full power under this influence. Our thoughts may pop up faster than we can speak them as new ideas and inspirations bubble to the surface for the next few weeks.
Pluto’s shift to retrograde motion may be almost indiscernible, as it’s more a generational influencer than a personal planet. However, as it retrogrades for the next five months, we may see improvements in global concerns, such as climate change.
Astrology Forecast June 14 – 20, 2021
Things unfold pretty calmly as the Sun spends its last days in Gemini this week, encouraging us to integrate all the new ideas and information we’ve learned over the past three weeks.
A Leo Moon hangs in the heavens today and tomorrow, bringing out our generous and heart-based sides. But beware the Leo Moon opposing Saturn in Aquarius today that can cause us to feel disenchanted or even depressed, and may also lead to a sense of emotional distance or feeling abandoned and lonely in our relationships.
Stay calms and be patient, because tomorrow Gemini Sun sextile the Moon in Leo will improve communication and social harmony and briefly reduce the need for power struggles. Tomorrow may therefore be a great time to ask your friend or relatives for help, or your employer for that well-deserved raise or promotion.
Details and organization will be the themes on Wednesday and Thursday under a Virgo Moon, so save those sorts of tasks for mid-week. However, the Virgo Moon opposition to Jupiter in Pisces may cause relationship conflicts from earlier in the week to resurface, so avoid unnecessary disagreement and drama, and try to keep the peace at home until the weekend.
A loving Libra Moon will fortunately accompany us into the weekend on Friday and Saturday, highlighting relationships and a return to fairness and balance. The Gemini Sun trine the Libra Moon will further contribute happiness and harmony to our relationships and family life over the weekend.
On Sunday Jupiter will turn retrograde, but we may not even notice, as we’ll be drifting through the spiritual and intuitive tones of the Scorpio Moon. After a month of information overload and two eclipses, this weekend is best spent regrouping before we move into a new season and all the wonders that await us.
The annual summer solstice also occurs Sunday, marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere (and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).
Astrology Forecast June 7 – 13, 2021
The second of two eclipses occurs this week. On Thursday the Gemini New Moon will manifest as a solar eclipse. For the next two weeks, we’ll be focused on our emotional well-being and inner peace, as we using the New Moon energy to create new ways of expressing ourselves and processing our feelings.
Be careful not to give in to unnecessary moodiness and irritability this week. It is recommended we stay grounded and centered today, as the constellation of the Taurus Moon conjunction with Uranus, also in Taurus, can lead to a lack of inner harmony and emotional balance and even cause us to act unreasonably, or behave in a peculiar way that is out of character from our normal habits.
By the time the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st, our ability to move with our intuition and inner knowings will be at an all time high. Before this transition occurs, we can use today and tomorrow’s Taurus Moon to get our most important projects off the ground and set a course for greater achievements over the coming months, enhanced by Mars’ move into power-filled Leo on Friday. Mars will spend the next two months encouraging us to quit hiding our lights under a barrel and express our dreams and true selves for all the world to see.
The Moon will saunter through Cancer Friday and Saturday, focusing our attention on home, family, security, and comfort. If your plans include being a couch-potato after a trying two weeks, you’ll have the full support of the planets. Take advantage though, as Sunday’s Aries Moon will have us back up and running, though the paths we choose will be filled with social fun or athletic pursuits.