Three Famous Prayers Of Power
Prayer is the method we can use to petition our Source or Creator for our own highest good. It is a way for us to communicate what we truly want within our situation, and align ourselves with the highest potential in any given situation.
There are many ways to pray, and one great way to begin a practice of prayer is to use prayers that have already been written down.
The following are three “power prayers” that I use in my own life. I know that anyone who adopts these three prayers as a method for communicating their innate desires to the Divine will find what they seek. It is my prayer that each person reading this article will find the strategies that work best for his or her own journey on this planet. Continue reading
Cats Among Us
Everyone enjoys companionship in some way, shape or form. One of my favorite sources is the domestic cat. I believe those of us who are “owned by cats” will live longer than those who live without at least one cat in their life.
Think of their versatility: home defense against small varmints, free earthquake alarm, lap warming, purr therapy, and so much more. However, the main reason why I love my two cats so much is their silent gift of unconditional love. Cats are very ritualistic. They tend to come to you when you need them the most. It’s almost like they can feel your energy, they just sense when you need a friend, and without a thought, they are there, to comfort, heal and love. When I go to bed every night, my cat always jumps up and sleeps near my head. Faithfully every night. Continue reading
How To Protect Yourself From Negative Energy
Some of us do all we can to maintain healthy bodies and a healthy attitude. We work hard to create a peaceful living environment and we put a happy face on when we go to work, despite the fact that we have may have to work around negative people who tend to bring us down, or lower our vibration.
Fortunately there are several ways in which you can protect yourself from psychic vampires, energy thieves and people who radiate negative, angry energy:
Prayer and Meditation
Quiet your mind and you find that inner place of calm. Embrace the sheer quietness within and ask God to protect you from all negativity. Ask for God’s white light of protection to blanket and protect you. I believe in the power of prayer as I have seen it work miracles for myself and my clients over the years. Continue reading
The Negatively Charged Creates Dis-ease For All
In today’s hectic, fast-paced world it is easy for one to get caught up in worry, anxiety, fear, tension or desperation. The stressed among us seem to be running around and really getting nothing accomplished. They are slaves to the same routine every day – a meaningless hustle and bustle.
In my experience, people who live more peaceful, centered lives don’t seem to have as many doctor visits, illnesses and complaints as their busy friends and family members. Too much stress causes disease and destroys one’s well-being. It causes you to become charged with negative, toxic energy.
The bottom-line is that Dis-ease equals disease. Our body talks to us through illness. When our mind, body and Spirit are out of alignment, our physical system breaks down and we suffer. Continue reading
Is Your Mind In A State Of Zen?
Much like a computer, if you don’t keep your mind clear and sometimes take necessary steps to keep it running smoothly, it can give you some grief in the long run. You will find in the end that you are not happy, lack awareness and even suffer depression.
When our minds don’t function properly, our life doesn’t seem to be as fulfilled as it could be. Achieving this state of clarity, serenity and mental smooth sailing is what I call “living in a state of Zen.”
Have you been going about your life in a constant mad rush with your mind all over the place? This is not living in Zen. If you don’t need it, discard it from your mind. This way you will have the extra space to bring in things that actually serve your highest good and help you to be a happier healthier individual. Continue reading
Everyday Life Happens To Psychics Too
To be in this world, but not of it… I imagine this motto might be the secret ideal of many a psychic advisor. Clients tend to view us as being calm and together at all times. However, life happens to psychics too.
For example, right now I am nursing a very sickly husband and seeing to some extra chores that he usually attends to. So, even though we prepare for the psychic readings we offer, we still have our own life’s everyday challenges and officialdom to deal with.
Unless we go and reside in a cave somewhere, I guess we will always be exposed to some form of general chaos around us! Of course, this does help us to identify with our clients when they say they are running around like “headless chickens” in their lives. Continue reading
You Are A Human Being, Not A Human Doing!
We are living in a fast-paced world where we feel we must do many things every day, hardly having much time to just be. To just stop. To think. To just be.
Instead of embracing the fact that we are a human beings, we are in this day and age more focused on being humans doing. We get caught in up in the web of life, with its chaos and drama. And we get frustrated and feel so rushed. There is no time to truly do the things we want to do; to spend time doing the things that matter the most. So, with this blog, I ask that after you are finished reading this you take a moment to just sit for 15 minutes and simply do nothing. Meditate. Just think about nothing and if thoughts come in, ask yourself: is this thought helping me to get in alignment with my true self? Am I in touch with the higher self that allows happiness to be a part of my space and life? Continue reading