life lessons
How Fulfilled Are You?
Have you found your niche? Have you discovered what you were meant to do in this lifetime? Doing what you love, while helping others and serving the greater good, is tremendously fulfilling. If you have not found your life purpose yet… the sooner the better.
Personally, I love it when I begin a conversation with a client and I can intuitively reel in information that I can pass on, by way of the Tarot as well as my spirit guides, ancestors and my intuition. To then have a really happy customer by the end of that conversation… well, there is something to be said for that feeling! I feel so good knowing I have helped someone to see their life in a completely different perspective. It is very rewarding. Continue reading
You Are Meant To Be Here
Lately, I have been hearing cries for help from some clients who say things like: “I really don’t want to be here anymore, and I won’t even be missed if I’m gone”. In my experience this sense of hopelessness amongst people has intensified this past year.
Some 18 years ago I was very ill, and from this traumatic time in my life I came to realize that we do plan our lives before we incarnate. I vividly recall one out-of-body experience during an unconscious period of my hospital stay. There I sat with a counsel of wise beings who told me I still had work to do, and it somehow all made sense to complete the lessons this time, even though, quite frankly I really did not want to be here either! So, based on some profound spiritual experiences, and well as past life regression, I do believe we have a ‘pre-birth plan’. I feel my pre-birth plan was discussed long ago with that same Counsel of Elders who was there during my profound out-of-body experience in intensive care. Continue reading
A Legacy Of Unconditional Love
Recently, I was privileged enough to attend the celebration of life for my sweet cousin, Irene. She was clearly much loved. The hall not only had to have extra seats brought in, but it became standing room only.
What was so great about this little lady? Was she a politician in the public eye? A celebrity of some notoriety? Did she find the cure for a life threatening disease? Or was it the mere fact that she had spent 89 years of her life here on this plane? None of the above.
As a young girl, Irene would have been considered “wild”. She and a girlfriend not only took a bus trip across Canada, but also went by themselves to another country, which was not readily done in the early 40’s. But this is not what made her so remarkable. Her utlimate legacy was her ability to love others unconditionally. Continue reading
Embrace Your Soul Family
We are all connected. We always meet up with people in our lives that are kindred spirits. We all know that feeling that comes over you; that familiarity that makes you stop in your tracks and think, “Wow I know that person from somewhere, but can’t place where I have met them.”
We haven’t met them in this incarnation, but in past lives.
We know these souls from our past, because they are in our cell memory. There is still unfinished business to be completed. That is why we are meeting up with similar souls that we have known in our past lives, be it here or in another world. We are constantly learning and constantly evolving, and many times we come back in groups, if not every time. Continue reading
Soulmates Make Life Fun!
Your soulmate may not be the most ideal person to marry and settle down with, but they are nevertheless wonderful for you to connect with. Soulmate connections can sometimes be a challenging, but always very inspiring and stimulating experience and, well, they make life fun!
I was doing a Tarot reading for myself the other day and many of the cards represented people I have known in my past. Right away it brought back happy, joyful memories. There were moments when I would laugh out loud remembering some of the silly things we did. Continue reading