spiritual journey
Solstice Forecast 2016
The most recent Solstice took place on June 20th, marked with a rare Full Moon in Sagittarius. This signifies the perfect time for us to become ‘archers’ and use focus, courage, and persistence in manifesting our biggest dreams and visions for the second half of 2016.
Since March this year, we have all been struck with spells of confusion, exhaustion and scattered energy. You can thank the intense solar flares, two eclipses, and the ongoing retrograde activity in Mercury, Mars, and now Neptune, for some of your most frustrating moments. This planetary non-movement has been forcing us to slow down, prioritize and reassess our lives, to rid it of anything that isn’t helping us grow. Look at it as a blessing in disguise!
Once Mars goes direct today, on June 30th, it will release a fire of emotions and aggressive energy which are going to increase as we move closer to November. With two Full Moons in Sagittarius, back to back, we are being given the opportunity to change our world by removing the old, outdated ways of existing and replacing it with fresh, forward thinking. Continue reading
Until My Time Comes, I’ll Dutifully Work My Shift
We come into this earthly existence to complete a task. This involves doing a job of some sort, which can be as basic as raising a family, establishing a corporation, or simply working in the fast food industry.
Some of us are extremely fortunate to know early on where our energy is best suited and how to meet our passion. Others may struggle for some time, until they find their own individual niche. But there are also those who never feel they have found their life purpose. Some do not even know what that seeking is all about.
Whichever way we go about it, all of these scenarios are all part of our unique spiritual paths and even though it may seem as if we are floundering at times, and wavering on our soul’s journey, this is still all part of the plan. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 4 of 7) – Afterlife Language
The language of the Afterlife, and of Heaven, is much different from the languages we use on Earth. I have shared in the earlier parts of this series my own personal experiences of Heaven. One quandary that I have personally had with these experiences is that the dynamic of the “afterlife” experience was not the same for each person experiencing the transition.
In the four most profound visionary experiences I had, three of which I shared in previous posts, the experiences were profoundly different. In my near-death experience (NDE) I felt a sense of transcendence, and also had a cosmic experience. My father transitioned in what could be considered an average “Christian” transition. Jesus was there, as well as family and friends as far as the eye could see. I mentioned a third person as well, who had committed suicide. In this experience he was actually trying to get away, but angels blocked his path. Continue reading
Using Stones To Heal – The A’s (Part 1)
Although abalone is not a crystal, abalone shell has been used for centuries in jewelry and carvings. Abalone used as a bowl for sage and clearing can help to intensify the release of negative energy in a house or office. Abalone can calm emotions and bring a “watery” serene feeling to one’s energy or to a situation. Abalone brings the element and energy of the sea into any home it is displayed in. Water is healing, cleansing, mystical and sharpens intuition. Wearing abalone can help with developing psychic visions and intuition. Wearing abalone will also bring a sense of peace and calm to the person wearing it.
This stone represents prosperity – not just financial prosperity, but also emotional, career and family life prosperity. Hang this stone over a door in your home or office to bring in new business. It is wonderful for entrepreneurs and people working in sales. This stone is important to have when starting a new business, job or financial venture. If you are going to ask for a raise, this stone will be great for meditation. This stone can help to release negative energy and is great for anyone in the arts as it facilitates creative expression. Continue reading